Yes they had full bellies, i made sure to check , im going to go out in a minute and check on them, i just got off the bus from school the mommy rabbit trusts me lol she watches me but she doesnt grunt or anything she is very mellow the babies were very nice and toasty this morning and it was rather cold out lol so that is good ill be taking some more pictures in 2 or 3 more days , i wanna get an age thingy going where i have pics from day one to when they live which is 8 weeks, i actually plan on keeping one :biggrin2:
ok i think i have my colors somewhat figured out the pink ones will be rews, there is a grey one so either grey, opal, or chinchilla like mommy, and 2 that look otter or agouti i think they are otter, is that possible out of a black and chinchilla rabbit?
Otter is not possible, sadly. One parent or both must be otter to produce otter. There might be a possibility of them being frosty(frosted pearl) if both parents carry shaded(tort).
darn it, lol is there a possibility of opal? i used a gene type calculator on welsh hunnybuns rabbitry site, and it says i can get these colors for my angora/mini lop breeding:
100% opal yay me ha i highly doubt they will be 100% but oh well ha