I may have walking pneumonia

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
, Texas, USA
I've had some folks asking me if I'm ok because I've been quiet and I just wanted to let y'all know that no - I'm not realy ok.

I've been sick for the last two weeks now and I am beginning to suspect I have walking pneumonia. My throat is killing me a lot and I have coughed up some phlegm - but not so much recently.

The biggest thing is - I'm exhausted. I'm sleeping 10-12 hours per day and I feel like there is a safe sitting on my chest.

I know...I know...go see the doctor. I actually may break down and do that. Right now we're sharing one car and Art works from 6 am to 2 pm and I work from 2 pm - 7 pm.....so its sorta tricky....especially when you add in the fact I hate doctors.

Anyway - I just wanted to let y'all know that between some stresses I've been having - this health stuff - and just a few other things....I'm just really not "with it".

I wish I could get Tiny or Miss Bea to do this for me:


Anyway - the good news is - we finally found a litter box Tiny might use! He's been using the edge of Morgan's tarp (territorial issues) and we bought him a new litter box on Saturday and joy of all joys - he actually used it to pee in!


Now as far as poops go....


I'll have to sic Miss Bea on him....

TinysMom wrote:
I wish I could get Tiny or Miss Bea to do this for me:

Whatchit... might just be... :bunnynurse:

Look for the positives ... there could bea ton of money in that safe on your chest.

But definitely see a doctor. (Nag nag nag). Those chest things will suck out all your engergy and they'll last forever if you let them. :(

Poor Peg! :pet:

And yay Tiny!! Thank your lucky stars for the contained pee. I honestly find bunny poops pretty easy to deal with. I gross people out by picking them up and flicking them in the garbage (With Tiny's, you can also use 'em as golf balls!)

Feel better soon!

sas :hug1
Awww Peg, I'm so sorry your feeling badly!:cry2 PLEASE take care of yourself. (None of us are overly fond of running to the doctors, but sometimes ya just gotta knuckle down and do things!)

Go see the doctor... (Don't make us worry!!!) :foreheadsmack:
Good Lord! Peg! Can you maybe get to the walk-in sorta place. Sounds like you either have walking pneumonia or bronchitis. Do you find you have a fever?

Do you feel ok then get really weak when you are out and about?

I know how it is to not feel well. Don't push yourself - I know how I am and I have a feeling you are similar SUPERWOMAN!!!!! lol.
Go to the VET! I mean Doctor. :pNot the Doctor (Dr.Who) the doctor who went to med school.

We need a healthy Peggy. We like Peggy to be healthy. Now off to the vet....I mean doctor.
I'm sitting here having some soup and getting ready to start work in 20 minutes.

I called the base (we're retired military) to see about getting in to be seen. They told me to go to the emergency room downtown - they can't see me until sometime late next week.

Right....I'm not going to the ER for this.

And a walk-in clinic? Sorry - I'm not exactly sure what those are - guess we've been in the military system too long...

I don't if we would be covered for a walk-in clinic (or even how to find one).

So I have more soup and antihistimes..

You might not have the walk in places there..... we have these offices around the area that are like..... no appt necessary and we have pharmacies that have clinics in them for little stuff - they have like nurse practioners in them that see people for colds, flu, and can write Rx.
Oh wow, Peg...I'm so sorry you're feeling so awful. I mean, I know we've talked, and I could hear it in your voice that you weren't feeling well, and that it was making you feel really "out of it"...I just didn't realize how bad it was.

Maybe it's time to take a bit of a "Peggy Break" from various things...maybe ask if you can have a week off from work, if you can...and take that week to just take care of you (I know you'll have to take care of the buns, too, but at least you'll be able to relax most of the time). I think you could really use the time to just read a good book, watch movies, let yourself destress as much as you can.

I know you have a LOT of stress going on...and I know what a powerful effect that can have on your health. Find what's stressing you, and either get rid of it, take a break from it, hand it to someone else to handle, or if it'll be handled soon remind yourself of that, and let yourself relax about things handling.

Also, let me know any way I can help...if you have something you can hand to someone else, please do so. We're all here for you...you don't have to do everything alone...:hug:

Much love and lots of prayers to you,

Well, I'm not sure if rest is in the agenda for the next few days.

I work on Saturday (I can't afford to take time off)....travel to San Antonio on Sunday (where I will allow myself a small bowl of ice cream at Cold Stone Creamery)...then I have Monday off but I have a mystery shop that afternoon along with a class for work. Then I work Tues-Fri and we go up to Eric's on Saturday so we can see his play both Saturday and Sunday (its part of his senior project - directing the two short plays).

Oh - and then the following Sunday we turn around and go to San Antonio again...so it means three weekends in a row we'll be on the road (have I mentioned I HATE travelling?)

Art & I are talking about my job and whether it is worth it since I'm so wiped out. Part of me hates to give up on it - and part of me is going, "oh God..please let me quit..".

I guess I've been spoiled because most of our married life I've been able to work part-time or not at all (most of my energies were focused on homeschooling our kids).

So I have stuff to figure out....but for now - the first thing to figure out is where Tiny hid that chicken noodle soup when he had his last temper tantrum because I wouldn't let him do something....

Oh, I'm so sorry that my plans for the boys have made you do travelling three Sundays in a row...:( Would it help if I gave you that weekend (the 16th) to NOT have to travel?

Again, let me know ANY way I can help, ok?

You're so wonderful...I don't you to be stressed...and any way I can help, I will...:hug:

I've been thinking about you constantly...

Are you home yet? How are you??

You need to go to the clinic or take a day off or BOTH! :nonono:

I'll Paypal you the $$...

s :expressionless

Pipp - money isn't the issue - since Art is retired military - we get FREE (almost - we pay $430 per year) medical care.

The issue is getting an appointment at the clinic (ha ha) without being sent to the hospital.

I almost wound up in the hospital today in San Antonio. Long story....part of the trip was that we were going to Cold Stone Creamery (a major treat for us) as they mix ice cream flavors together w/ stuff to make what you want. We LOVE it and other than a couple of months ago - hadn't had it since 2000.

Now - I wasn't thinking about the fact that dairy products create more phlegm. So I ate about 1/2 of my SMALL ice cream - and Art finished it. We were getting ready to leave the store and I went into a coughing fit that lasted about 7-10 minutes and I could NOT catch my breath at all.

Art was ready to find a hospital for me when I finally was able to drink something and start breathing again (strange combination - I know). Robin and I walked around a store for a bit and then I bought some DayQuil and cough drops and took them as soon as I got to the car (yuck).

I slept most of the way home - I only had about 1 1/2 hours sleep before that.

Tomorrow is so busy for me that I'm debating whether or not I should go to the emergency room after all. Trying to work my schedule w/ Art's schedule to get me in for an appointment is not easy.

Oh - about the trip....you have to understand - we live in a small town. If we want to go to Petco, Petsmart, a decent bookstore, Office Max, Office Depot, etc. - we have to go to San Antonio (150+ miles). Well - we had a blast today - we found a Barnes & Noble and spent over 1 1/2 hours in there just browsing. Ok...so we spent some money too. I got two coloring books that are geometric designs - I love to color sometimes and it relaxes me. I'm going to scan the pictures and then print them out when I work and color in between calls.

The thing is - being in the B&N felt so "right"....we used to go to bookstores all the time and for us - there is something that is "nourishing" about being there....even if we don't buy much. I looked at journals (almost bought one but have others I can use) and pens (I really am longing for a nice fountain pen - I have a couple somewhere if I'll just find them) and I looked at books but decided (which is unusual for me) to BORROW THEM FROM THE LIBRARY...(or maybe buy them used on Ebay). One book I'd like to have is "The Millionaire Next Door" - talk about fascinating reading. Another book is "48 Days to the Job You'll Love" which I've heard Dave Ramsey talk about.

Anyway - we wound up spending an hour and a half at the bookstore, then time at Cold Stone Creamery and then another hour maybe at a grocery store where we saw all sorts of things we can't get here (I spent about $30 on different types of dipping oils in various flavors that I like to use in cooking).

Then we came home...

And did I distract you yet from the fact I'm finally starting to accept that I'm sick and need to see a vet.....uh....a doctor?


Pipp wrote:
You need to go to the clinic or take a day off or BOTH! :nonono:
:shock: Wow, now I feel REALLY bad... as soon as I saw the ice cream reference, I was going to stick a warning about dairy products in the post -- then thought, nah, I'll let her have just a leeeetle fun. (And you were probably already 150 miles from the computer. :biggrin2:

Next best thing is a ton of juice and MEGA TONS OF REST!


s :hearts
Hey Pipp - is it ok to have Iced Coffee from McDonald's or will that have dairy in it too?

(If it does - too late.....I'll just have to risk it).

Oh wow...I'd totally forgotten about that dairy thing, too! :shock: And here I've been harpin' on Danny not to take in dairy the past couple weeks so he can get over this rediculous cold he's got...lol!
TinysMom wrote:
Hey Pipp - is it ok to have Iced Coffee from McDonald's or will that have dairy in it too?
I think what mcdonalds calls 'ice milk' is an edible (sort of) oil product, so probably no actually dairy in their iced coffee, either. ;)

Good luck with that. ;)

Peg, I hope you get to the doctor soon. You must feel just awful.

By any chance, do you have any antibiotics hanging around the house? In the off chance you do, maybe start taking them. You've probably already thought of that though. My husband had Pnemonia last year, man was he bad. I felt so awful for him, as I do for you right now. Start pumping the Vitamin C to keep your immune system decent at least, it can't hurt;).

Get well soon!:hug:

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