I love my bunnies even though they like to get the zoomies and start digging right when I'm trying to go to sleep! EVERY.NIGHT! They seem to have a pact or something that no matter what time I turn in, they start making all sorts of racquet.
I call it their binkythons or zoomathons. Lilly is the binkython master!! And I'm pretty sure she's teaching everyone else her mad skills.
I love my Gizmo even though he put numerous holes all over one of my hand towels left at his disposal by accident! and even though he peed all over my couch and rug a few times, and even though so much of my carpeting has been ripped out its going bald...LOL even though he has eaten the number 3 on my remote, even though the underside of my coffee table looks like termites are working on it, even though i cant read a magazine in peace because it ends up in pieces while in my hands because mister Gizmo needs to be the center of attention:wave2