I lost my bunny today. Any ideas what I could have done? (Long post)

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It sounds like you did everything you knew to do as soon as you knew to do it. The unfortunate part of all this is that your bunny's system was probably compromised just because of recovering from surgery - and that while it is hard enough for a healthy bunny to recover from GI Stasis (which is what it sounds like your bunny had) - it was probably too much for your bunny to do while recovering from a spay.

I'm a breeder and I've got to tell you that I will do everything I can to save a rabbit's life...but there are times that my most valiant efforts fail. It seems like there are times when you just can't heal a bunny - that it is just too compromised in its health or something and as hard as you fight - you can't pull them out of a bad situation.

I'm sorry for your loss - it sounds like your bunny would have been a wonderful pet. I'm sure that while you had your rabbit - it knew it was loved and safe and I'm hoping that someday your memories of your bunny will bring you happiness and not pain.


Hello my name is ceci and I recently got a bunny, she's not feeling at all good right this second last night I step out of the house and when I returned my mother in law informed me that the bunny was yelling for her dear life she immediately took her in and put her in my room till I returned fed her her night meal and did my evening duties. I let her go in my room, let her roam around and play with anything (there is nothing toxic or harmful for her around I promise) but the main concern is she ate her breakfast nicely but she just now is starting to poop regular mixed with brown water and I hugged her and set her in her pillow and she is stiff I don't know if I should feed her bed mid meal or nothing I seriously can't afford a vet I bought the bunny for my daughter and I have a school to pay I need help please

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