"I just wanted to warn you about your dog."

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Lots of dogs have been bred to hunt, but that doesn't mean they are vicious to humans :).

My heart dog was a Beagle, bred to hunt rabbits, and his main instinct was not to hurt.....but to drown my face in kisses :p:p.
I have two Gordon Setters, bird/rabbit hunting dogs. I also have a parrot (Molly) in my house that rides around on one dogs collar. The other dog has willingly warmed kits for me when they fell out of a nest box. She goes right to her bed and curls up around the baby, and doesn't move for hours. I swear she'd nurse them if she could.

I know what their instincts are, but most of the time, unless you hone those instincts, (take them hunting, train them, encourage them,work them in their field) they are content to ignore them.

My husbands aunt had a staffie... that was the most wonderful, dedicated family dog I've ever met. And so sweet tempered. I love that breed.

I don't believe you should be prejudiced against certain breeds, but I also don't believe any dog should be allowed to show unprovokedaggression. I've met some pretty nasty Chihuahua's and Shi Tzu's.... (Deed not breed).
I have a 100+lb rottie female. She is a rescue. She was on the streets of our town after being abandoned by her family during a divorce. I went through ALOT to get her. When we brought her home I took over 30 brushfuls of hair out of her as no one had brushed out her winter shed and it was July. She is a sweetie, but at first my family was absolutely terrified of her. I got the usual "aren't you afraid she will..." comments. Everything from bite me to bite the kids, to bite the other dogs etc. Yes we have had our issues. She did at one point get my golden retriver. Was it her fault, nope. The kids were running with the two dogs on the leashes and they let the golden's leash into Stormie's peripheral vision. She is terrified of other dogs leashes (yes we're pretty sure she was abused) and she went after the other leash. She got our golden. Nothing serious but she right away dropped down and started licking Sandy and cuddling her. She does have issues if anyone in the house raises their voices. But all of her issues are NOT because she is a rottie. They are because she was abused, neglected and thrown away. She loves to cuddle, she purrs (that scared the crud out of me the first time she did it) and she loves to shake hands. She will shake hands for hours. Oh and she is addicted to playing soccer. I lover her. Everyone else is now seeing that she is not mean or a bully but just as loving as our other two dogs. Now if I could only get her to quit trying to lick Mopsy. She keeps trying to kiss her for which she gets thumped through the cage bars. The two are not allowed out together for both of their safety.
undergunfire wrote:
Lots of dogs have been bred to hunt, but that doesn't mean they are vicious to humans :).

My heart dog was a Beagle, bred to hunt rabbits, and his main instinct was not to hurt.....but to drown my face in kisses :p:p.
I know, I'm just writing what it says.
ROFL...in love....Mopsy definitely does NOT love Stormie. Now all 3 dogs do love Mopsy for the little "treats" that she will fling at them out of her cage. Now of course after enough of these "treats" they must try and kiss mama or as Kaylei our dumb dog (you'd have to meet her she's truly kind of a ditz) will do she comes up and burps and you smell rabbit "treats". EWWWW ICKY EWWWWW YUCK YUCK YUCKO POOEY!!!!!!!!
nermal71 wrote:
ROFL...in love....Mopsy definitely does NOT love Stormie. Now all 3 dogs do love Mopsy for the little "treats" that she will fling at them out of her cage. Now of course after enough of these "treats" they must try and kiss mama or as Kaylei our dumb dog (you'd have to meet her she's truly kind of a ditz) will do she comes up and burps and you smell rabbit "treats". EWWWW ICKY EWWWWW YUCK YUCK YUCKO POOEY!!!!!!!!
LOL. She needs some breath mints :p
Hahah, that's hilarious! Bless her.

When I was little we had three cats, and the neighbours little mongrel would come into our garden and 'clean up' all the cat mess. Gross. :shock:
Odd is an understatement when regarding ALL of our animals. Let's see they ALL eat rabbit poop. One dog likes to play soccer. The other tries to catch the wind and handfuls of water and the third thinks she is human. The cats are just weird. I have Georgie a 15lb male (I know he's fat, but seeing as we almost lost him to the pet food scare I prefer him this way) who likes to sleep on top of the top cabinets in the utility room. I have Rogue who is a black absynnian and loves to terrorize the dogs, us, and anyone he can accept of course Mopsy he leaves her alone due to an unexpected introduction in which he got thumped. And then there is Mopsy who can tell time and spends literally hours a day humping her current "lil buddy".
830pm every night she goes to the 3rd floor of her NIC cage to wait for us to get up and go to bed so she can have her treat of a raisin or craisin.

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