I just don't believe it!!!! What is going on?

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Kipcha wrote:
Amanda here:
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Are we cereal here? Because I honestly cannot tell. Because I, first of all, don't see how it's "sexist" and I can't believe we're have a serious conversation about this when people are discussing things from a BUNNIES point of view. There is nothing sexist about it :/ Besides, what matters here is dear Derby, not reading too much into the situation. *Sigh*

Well said. One common denominator that we all share is that we love our bunnies and this is a bunny forum. I'm sure no one means to be sexist or step on anyone's toes (or paws). If we were intending to be biased against a certain gender or character trait of a rabbit, we would not have chosen the rabbit(s) we have.
As far as sexism towards humans goes, there is no evidence of that here. We are simply playing on our rabbit's personalities and trying to be encouraging.
Hi Darby

Daisy Mae here. So glad to hear your surgery went well. Once your all healed you should come visit me for a holiday. Your Mommie can come too.

I hope dat Vet sent some pain medication home with you. Are you eating well? I hope your Mommie is giving you lots of treat. YUM YUM.

Big Hugs and Kisses

Daisy Mae "Dutchess of Ajax"

LakeCondo wrote:
I don't know what cereal has to do with anything.

Mhmm, sorry, it's something my friends and I say when we can't believe we're actually discussing something. "Are you cereal?" is just something used to lighten the mood, instead of are you serious.

Anyways, back on topic.

I healed up completely in 9 days and got the okay from the vet to resume regular activity again, so you don't need to be confined too long. Hopefully you're still doing well today Derby! I know your humans are giving you lots of TLC!
Dobby Here,

Glad to hear you did real well Derby and you are home with your Mom. I was feeling yucky when I got home, but I was really good and took the stuff Mom gave me and it made me feel better. I just relaxed and took it easy for a few days. I felt really good but Mom made me be quiet for a few days. You will be back on your feet in no time.

Ok everyone...Mopsy here...I stole mommy's puter. Like Mommy says....if you can't say somethin nice don't say nuttin at all. And us bunnies were having a chat in our special room and you hoomins are NOT alloweded. So if ya can't talk nice then ya can't talk in our room...GOT IT?!?!?! And if yous gonna keep not saying somethin nice...then I think the hoomin bosses needs to tell ya all to go to your rooms!!!!
Hi Derby,
how is you doin tooday? i hopes your feelin better. mommy got me more humpys yesterday. i been playin with them. 'Cept i cant figure dem out. The one bunny is pink. I never seen a pink bunny! The other one looks more like bunny 'cept it has a funny lookin tail. Mommy said it's called a tag. I feel bad dat the bunny has tag stuck to her butt so i been tryin to pull it off. I was thinkin bout you while I was playin yesterday. hope you can play soon too!

Luv, Weston
Hey Weston, I is doing much better. I have been taking my medicine and taking it easy. Just a little off because they won't let me go outside to play. I has been outside everyday in my yard for weeks. What is with that?? Mom says the vet doesn't want me to get wet or roll in any dirt. Why not, that is the mostest of fun. I have a favorite stuffies, he is a tiger with a long tail. I humped him and he didn't mind a bit. The other favourite is called the "Trickster" Mom brings her out to get me to come back inside the house. I think I have figured her out. I am eating good and just resting. Mom put a baby gate in the doorway of the living room this morning so that I can sit there and look out. Tanks for checking on me.
Oh My Goodness Derby, I just noticed what Mommiecalled you in our lastmessage. She not TOO Bright. She called you Darby, no wonder you never answered my postabout coming to visit me.

I'm so embarassed these Mothers don't know nuttin.

Glad to hear you are feeling better,

Big Hugs DERBY

Daisy Mae

That okay Daisy Mae, mom has minor memory problems at times too. Who knows maybe if mom wins the lottery - what ever dat is, we can come. Tanks for all the emails and nose bonks while I is healing.
I'd like to present DERBY.

Isn't he jutst the most HANDSOMEST French Lop you have ever seen. Daisy Mae thinks so.





I hope you enjoy how HANDSOME he is.


Daisy Mae (Derby's Girlfriend)
I is a big guy, hard to find weighted dishes other than dog dishes, mom says. I gets to tip it over on a daily basis, mom doesn't have to worry about filling it so often. Used to be my brother Benjamin's.
Gubby here! How's your bits and pieces doing? My bits was fine, but my pieces got something called a UTI. All I know is it hurt to use my litter box! I had this gross pink stuff for a long time...my humans made me take it!

Hope you're feeling better now Derby :)

Gubby out!

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