I heard this was rare..

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Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2005
Reaction score
, Indiana, USA
I had all four babies sexed and they are all female. Is it true that it is rare for a litter to be all of one sex?

It's not unusual.Probability comes into play, especially with small litters.Out of 100 kits -- generally there will be 50% of each sex.

I'm happy for you that you were able totell. I had sexed all of our earlier litters at 8 weeks ofage - and three of us looked at them and came to conclusions.

You can imagine my shock today when there was a bit of fighting and Istarted checking.....at leastthree of what I thought weredoes....were bucks. The ones I thought were bucks.....werestill bucks. I need to check some more in a bit.

ShopGirl is still a girl (unless she'll changetonight)...Pumpkin/Aslan is stilla boy. Harriet iscurrently: Harry: 2nd Generation but will probablybecome Porthos from Three Musketeers...Kanga is a buck and not adoe....and Kineta is a buck and not a doe.

Watch out...the gender fairy may head your direction next...


P.S. I threatened to check Tiny but he said he'd always be a buck....even if he was neutered...
All three are of my babies are girls.I've heard that it can depend on what time of the month the concieveand on the cycle of the moon. But I have no idea if that hasanything to do with it.:p

I find that if I sex a rabbit a boy, it's normally a boy, but the girlsare harder... I will sex a baby a female and have it turn outto be a boy. Thats why I always check from about two weeksold till the time I sell them. It's a lot harder to make amistake that way.

aurora369 wrote:
All three are of my babies are girls. I've heardthat it can depend on what time of the month the concieve and on thecycle of the moon. But I have no idea if that has anything todo with it.:p

I find that if I sex a rabbit a boy, it's normally a boy, but the girlsare harder... I will sex a baby a female and have it turn outto be a boy. Thats why I always check from about two weeksold till the time I sell them. It's a lot harder to make amistake that way.

UMMM no thats not necessarily true

I have sexed babies 100' s oftimes and what I thought wereDoes turned to Boys , talkabout embarassing have thegender fairy whack one the night before a show ,get it on the table only to betold its a Buck and inthe wrong class , immediate DQ, I just lmao because 3 of usall concluded right up to the show dateit was a doe.

Dajeti2 was s ent 2 Does absolutelypostive they were both girls ,low and behold Buck 2 months later ,

I have come to the conclusion NO rabbitis either sex until the GenderFairey either stikes or leavesthem alone .
To true!! I've never had that experience yet, but I'm just waiting for it to happen!!

Do you find that different breeds are easier to sex? I'veonly had experience with Mini Rex's and so far have been very lucky.

No I have found no differencein breeds harder or easier ,the Gender fairey is non discriminent , she/he doesnt much carethe breed she justs whacks them tomake our life freefromcertainty .
You can take comfort in knowing that even the most experienced breeders/judges are occasionally fooled by the gender fairy ;)

I had a 4 month old Flemish "Doe" that I tookout to tattoo and check on Saturday,....... Lo andBehold!!!! "she" wasa "HE".. OMG! Wheredid THAT come from? I was so sure only 3 weeks ago that "it"was a girl!!!!! What a shock!

"HE" has since gone to a good home... but I'm still getting over thesurprise! (I try not to make mistakes like that toooften! It's the Gender Fairy's way of keep us humble!)

The reason I was keeping "her" and was so upset was that rabbit wassupposedly the only doe out of a litter of 6... so I guess they wereALL bucks!

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