I have two Kits need help please

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Mar 11, 2012
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port saint lucie, Florida, USA
[flash=425,344]http://www.youtube.com/v/MrbyFeoJgco&hl=en&fs=1[/flash][flash=425,344]http://youtu.be/MrbyFeov/&hl=en&fs=1[/flash]my bunny accidentally got pregnant and she had two kits they are 1 week and 3 days old just opened their eyes an hour ago. I put them in the cage with momma to hang out and see what mom does. Mom was loving and calm and babies were trying to eat Hay and the moms poop. I don't think they are supposed to eat poop so I removed them. and is there a way I can check to see if mom is still producing milk? ive never had baby bunnies and I don't want them to get sick or die. they are very active though I put them on the living room floor and they were scooting and running around. they were even trying to nibble on parseley and what is a good healthy diet for mom bunnies? and what should they not eat at all. we got our two bunnies a year ago thought they were both girls. :confused2: come to find out the dwarf looking one is a boy and the on that appears to be a lionhead is a female. we separated them immediately and plan to get them both fixed soon. but the problem is i came outside the night she had the babies and the babies were on the bottom of her cage and the dad was humping her so i dont even know if shes pregnant again :expressionless. I want to make sure though she has a healthy pregnancy and healthy diet as well as proper care for the babies.

oh and mom is very comfortable with me handling kits.

the bunnies [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrbyFeoJgco[/ame]
I guess that as long as they seem healthy they are being nursed. They should be with their mother & not be eating veggies. Look in the library section for more information.
They actually still need to be in there nest at this age and not be taken away from there mother at all. All you need to do at this age is leave them in the nest and let mom take care of them. Check them once a day to make sure there bellies are round but other then that they need to stay in the nest.
They're still too young to be eating any kind of vegetables or greens. For the first few weeks they'll get most, if not all, of their nutrition from mom. There is nothing wrong with them trying to eat mom's poop. The night droppings have extra nutrients that rabbits need and it's normalto eat them. Once they get to about 3 weeks they'llnibble on hay and start eating some pellets. If you take them out of the nestbox, try tokeep the little ones on carpet or something similar because trying to walk/hop on slippery surfacescan affect theirbone development. They are cute!
They need to go back to the nest and be left there. 1 week old buns should not be brought out for play time or anything like that. Like Katie said, you should be checking to make sure they are fed but nothing else.
Babies that young should not be away from their mother at all. Their eyes have just opened, therefore they could get eye infections from foreign objects when you let them play outside of the cage.

Katie, Vicki, and Amanda are correct. These babies should not be out of the nest box/cage until they are 3 weeks old.

They also should never be on slippery surfaces as their bones are still developing and being on a slippery surface can be hazerdous(sp) to their bone growth.

When these babies are 2 to 3 weeks old, they will nibble on hay and possibly pellets.

Leave the kits in the nest box/cage so that they don't get sick (they will have less of a chance getting sick).
Also it is normal for them to eat moms poop. They get nutrients that way. Please keep them with their mother, seperate the father and do not feed them veggies.
Good information already given. Can't add anything but they are cuties. And the advise given is good advise. Please read over it all again and it will help you take care of these babies.

Wishing you luck. Let us know how it goes.

K :)
When I had them out in that video I actually had mom out with them and a towel down we are about to possibly move them inside in a bedroom because my dog tried to get them yesterday. I always have the mom with me when i have the babies im the only person she feels comfortable with. I checked them today and they look good I just fed the mom and gave her water. But the babies are doing good. I think I should prob get a bigger cage so that once they are ready to be with mom they have more space. or would it be okay at 3 weeks to let them run around the bedroom with mom on the carpet with towels down. and the cage will still be in there as well. sometimes the babies dont get fed by mom so I take mom out and cuddle her belly up and put the babies on and she falls asleep xD this is her first litter too so I definately check on them often. and does anyone know what mommy bunny might be? i looked up different pictures and she looks like she might be a lionhead? and the daddy is half the moms size and just has black ears i think he is a dwarf type bunny. ^_^ they are very cute and we already picked out homes for them with family members so momma can visit them still :)

OH and how often should I clean out the nest box :/ because sometimes she poops in there, so far I have not seen any Cecal poop from mom either.
I don't have anything to add to what others have said about kit care, it has been good advice. The mom is probably pregnant again, though. Rabbits can become pregnant again right after giving birth. Gestation is 28 days. If she gives birth, you will have to remove the first litter and take special care of them since they will have to be weaned early. Try to keep dad away from mom at all costs until you can have one or both of them fixed. Don't have mom fixed until she's weaned her babies.
I'm a little confused. Are the kits not with mom all the time?

You should keep the nestbox clean. Take out any hay/bedding that has gotten wet and replace it with fresh. I try to keep some of the old stuff in there if it's dry, especially if it's mixed with mom's hair. That way it still smells familiar to mom.
Yeah I keep them with the mom if babies are out mom is right there i take them inside when its cold outside and stuff. and the daddy has been separated from the mom ever since i found the two babies in their cages. I was so freaked out. and yeah I cleaned it once and spent 30 mins picking out all the fluffs of fur to put back in the nest ^_^ it looked exactly the same when I was done.