Back from yetanother trip to the Vets ,, The new Vetgave him a Gut Mobility shot and hedid poop a bit oin the carrier on t heway home , took us over an hour togethome because of things needed doing . So thisis agood sign , She also gave me amoblity tablet togive him oncea day , The meds begin with anR and I dont have the paper in front ofme at the moment .
For the moment he is sitting inhis cage glaring atme and rubbinbg his Butt , poorbaby there isnt much meat backthere at the moment .She also said to go ahead andfeed what ever the little non poop will eat, at this point she isntconcerned with sugars because of weightloss , His hydration level was highenough today to again notwarrent Sub Q' . She fully expectswith a day or few hewill be pooping up a storm and willbe out of the woods . But tolkeep a very close eye to him to be surehe doesnt go into a molt frombeing removed from onetemperature to a different one. I do believe we will avoidall this with another hair clipping .
She still can not explain wherethe mass went to nor if it willreturn , but to not worry much on it nowthat its gone , she was able tofeel tiny poops in there but high up inthe upper intestines .
One thing I have to praise this Office for is ,Their Vets consult with eachother before seeing a Patient for thefirst time , This was aDifferent Vet and She hadspoken to the one I had last night andon Tuesday . I was kinda amazedto hear her mention they had spokenand she was fully aware ofCowboys situation . I was alsovery pleased .
Well thats the update so far assoon as we have a substantial amoutof droppings I Will let everyone know.