Well-Known Member
though I know it's been said on here I still tell you what I do for miffy.
I change her litter box every day sometimes twice a day and wash it out with warm water. I also change her bedding at least four times a week. I go through a lot of bedding lol, but her bedding is always dry and it never smells. I don't know about your rabbit but Miffy gets a bath once a week - sometimes with shampoo but usally just some luke warm water in the sink. If he doesn't like water you could just wipe him with a warsh cloth.
Also you know what else you could do to make your mom and dad a bit happier - even though it's your room, clean it to their standards. Make a day of it and keep it kept clean and I know they'll be much happier. When bunny is out supervise him at all times. Clean up any messes he leaves behind yourself and don't leave it for mom to do. 
Good luck!! Remember animals are forever. He gives you lots of love so do the same back.
And i think he's beautiful. 
I change her litter box every day sometimes twice a day and wash it out with warm water. I also change her bedding at least four times a week. I go through a lot of bedding lol, but her bedding is always dry and it never smells. I don't know about your rabbit but Miffy gets a bath once a week - sometimes with shampoo but usally just some luke warm water in the sink. If he doesn't like water you could just wipe him with a warsh cloth.
Good luck!! Remember animals are forever. He gives you lots of love so do the same back.