I have glandular fever :(

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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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Bristol, , United Kingdom
I just wanted to occupy a quiet corner to moan about it if that's ok ;) You can just leave me here, I wont mind! :p

I was dearly hoping it was just tonsilitis or flu, but I got the blood test results back this morning. My doctor called and said 'I'm sorry, there's absolutely nothing we can do about it either. Bad luck!'

I can barely breathe through my mouth or swallow, and my throat is beyond painful. My glands in my neck are so swollen I look like I've put on about 10lbs.... Although I've actually lost 4lbs since Tuesday due to not being able to eat ;)


Sorry.... I know it seems trivial to moan about, but OMG how annoying....:(
Ouch!:?A friend of minehad glandular fever once and I remember she suffered pretty badly. Try to rest up and drink lots of nice, soothing liquids. Ice cold smoothies help soothe the throat, and for now just try to eat soup and other 'soft' foods that should be easy to get down.

Feel better soon!:hug:

Edit - bad grammar!:p
Aww thanks you guys :hug:

I managed half a bowl of soup earlier, but then it started to make me feel sick. I've this horrible pain in my left side as well, which apparently is where my spleen has become swollen, which is quite common apparently! :shock: Doesn't help that I'm just experiencing 'women's monthly things' for the first time in about 5 years lol..... :?

Steve's doing quite a good job of taking care of me though, bless him! Every day on his way home from work he calls and asks if there's anything I need :)

:imsick: :sigh:
Apparently I'm more prone to having glandular fever for some reason. My Dad had it and they said some health issue he had that I also have means I am likely to get it at some point in my life... not looking forward to that day!

mouse_chalk wrote:
Doesn't help that I'm just experiencing 'women's monthly things' for the first time in about 5 years lol..... :?
I feel your pain on that one. 5 years? I'd call that lucky!

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
Thanks guys.... Aww Becca tonsilitis sucks!:( That's what I thought/was hoping this would be....

And Fran- lucky I may have been for 5 years but now it's worse than ever lol! :( it was a pretty peaceful time though... eek, I hope I'm allowed to talk about it here... Sorry fellow mods if I'm not! :shock:

I've discovered something I can eat though- curry! I just had a small one- I couldn't eat even half of it but the spiciness didn't hurt my throat too much to swallow :cool:
Oh Jen, glandular fever is no fun AT ALL!! be carefull with the curry - watch you don't burn your throat and don't realise it!!!!

I know there is nothing they can do, it just has to 'cure' itself, which is awful.

Thinking of you

Poor thing! That can really last a long time! All of the tiny glands in your head and stuff will swell..... I had it as a teen.

Thanks you two....

Pennie, that's exactly how I feel! I feel as if I have a million air bubbles in my head squashing everything out.... I cant put my chin on my chest either cos my neck is so swollen lol! :?
Oh goodness, hope you will make a full recovery! It sucks :(!

My brother had it so bad that he had to be hospitalized for 5 days a year or so agobecause of the pain and not being able to eat.. really scary. He wasn't even able to get down water, was so severe.

Wishing you the best in making a full recovery!
mouse_chalk wrote:
Thanks you two....

Pennie, that's exactly how I feel! I feel as if I have a million air bubbles in my head squashing everything out.... I cant put my chin on my chest either cos my neck is so swollen lol! :?


Do you feel the bumps on the outside of your head yet? they'll actually raise under your scalp...... You'll be SO tired and the lights will drive you nuts - headache and all.
Oh my gosh that sounds so scary!! :shock: I hope that doesn't happen to me....

How long does it normally last? I've had it nearly 2 weeks now with no sign of a let up.... :?

I've just had the biggest telling off ever! I barely slept last night, and 'slept' in a bit this morning but I just couldn't sleep, so I got up. Then I started cleaning :shock: I did 2 loads of washing, dried folded and put away, did all the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen...

Then Steve came downstairs and we had a massive argument. He's mad at me for doing too much and not taking care of myself enough, so I'm now pretty much chained to the sofa, blanket, drink laptop etc all at hand, and I'm not to move. He's gone out to get the groceries and some magazines to keep me occupied. I HATE being ill like this- it's soooo boring! :(

My ears are ringing now because they're so full- I reckon my head will have exploded before the day's out.... :?
pinksalamander wrote:
I don't know if this is normal but my Dad had it for 7 months.

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
:faint:Oh dear God!!! I sincerely hope I don't have it anywhere near that long... I'm supposed to be going on holiday on the 23rd! :(
I don't think he had the full blown thing for 7 months. My Nan told me that he had the thing you have now for around 4 months, and for 3 months he was just really drained and tired etc.

Hope its not that long for you!

From Wikipedia:
Some adult patients suffer fever, tiredness, lassitude (abnormal fatigue), depression, lethargy, and chronic lymph node swelling, for months or years

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
Yeah, I think feeling sick only lasts a bit, then you get quite tired. Although my brother didn't have any of the tiredness at all after he recovered and got out, so got it very bad with the symptoms then was fine after.
Yeah, I know when I had it, I passed out on the school staircase! You get so weak.

Rest, honey.

Thank goodness Steve is there to reign you in! :p
Oh dear....

I've passed out with flu before- that's not fun!

Right now the worst thing is my throat- it honestly is so painful to swallow, and I haven't lost my voice but talking is horrifically painful! When I had an argument with Steve, I couldn't shout at him, so I was just talking in an 'angry tone' really quietly- he could barely hear me! :shock: I can see that my tonsils are really swollen- one is all white and spotty and the other is all angry and red looking... :yawn:

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