I can understand crossbreeding if it is done fora purpose. For instance, Jenny and Puck have had 3 litterstogether...or maybe 2 .... I'd have to look it up. Jenny issome sort of a crossbreed and Puck is holland lop. However, we hadpeople who had wanted lop babies and we only had Puck at the time andJenny and Puck make some beautiful babies. However, I rarely do thatbreeding even though Jenny is an awesome mommy and actually isdepressed when she doesn't have a litter. Still yet- I can't keepbreeding her just to keep her from being depressed....
I also do lionlops (and I did look at 2 lops yesterday and consider them for the program).
But Art and I talked about it on the way home after I'd said no tobuying them (he encouraged me to say no although he would NOT havecomplained if I'd bought them). He said, "Peg, you're getting greatcomments on your lionheads and getting the type down and stuff likethat...focus on them first since that is your main breed.." and he wasright. Now had I seen a chocolate lop doe...yeah..I wouldhave bought her. But what I saw was two tort does...and they won't gowell with Puck (my holland lop).
But I am pretty much against cross-breeding. I have done it for rareoccassions knowing that I may wind up having to keep some rabbits andlove on them and stuff....but I don't do it that much.
I'm also against breeding for pet stores. Well...maybe I should put itthis way. IF I had a pet store near me that was really good - and if Ihad a pet quality bunny born to me - and if that store wanted it at theage I release them (they wouldn't)....then I would consider it.However, most pet stores don't want them at 8 weeks.
I think I had someone calling me for a pet store to. He called andasked me some questions and his final question (and I could sort oftell that it was major) was "How old are your babies and at what agecan I buy them?" When I said, "8 weeks is the minimum - if Ifeel comfortable with the home they're going to.." and "I reserve theright to refuse sales for any reason." he quickly said "thank you" andhung up.
Never heard from him again. Probably a good thing..
naturestee wrote:
There's also a lot ofintentional crossbreeding by the breeders here. The lady whodumped the lop/rex was talking about how they're a "special breed" andthe breeder said they're really exotic... No. Velveteen Lopsare an exotic breed that is being legitimately worked on.Mini lop/rexes (and apparently the fur didn't look very rexy) arenot. The lionhead that was still at the shelter looked to bea dwarf hotot/lionhead crossbreed. He looked exactlylike Fey, face, body, mottled blue eye color, etc. except he had asuper-thin mane, two tiny tufts on his butt, and a few extra mismarkspots she doesn't have.