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Here are some pics of her chicken pox from yesterday



Aww that poor baby! :( She looks like she's been crying non-stop. Send her here I'll snuggle her up and give her freezie pops!

I never had chicken pox as a child, thankfully, but I kinda wish I had because a lot of people say chicken pox are worse for adults.

Re vaccines: I talked about this with my friend who just had a little boy last month. She's only getting certain vaccines, and on a delayed schedule. If I ever have kids that's definitely the route I'd take. It seems less stressful both for momma and baby.
haha Megz...this child, even with chicken pox, is crazier than ever. Im guessing because we cant go anywhere. She has been eating tons of ice cream and weve been watching lots of movies. Yes, chicken pox are worse for adults. Sad thing is, if youve had chicken pox you will more than likely get shingles as an adult too. That is the same virus as chicken pox but so much worse. Alot of old people get it.

And with Liam I think I am definitely going to follow the alternate schedule.
The vaccine study with the link to autism was proven to be fraud. The doctor that conducted it just made stuff up! He even made up patients. Everyting he has said was discounted and he was barred from ever practicing medicine again.

As for drug companies conducting the studies, legally they have to. It's the only way to get a drug, inculding a vaccine, on the market. Every care is taken to keep the studies blinded, which means no one knows who is getting drug vs placebo. So the doctor, company, and patient does not know if they are getting real vaccine or saline solution. It can be very difficult to determine what is or is not related. Coming from industry side, I can assure you that in the protocols we ask that EVERYTHING is reported. If the doctor blows it off and doesn't report, there isn't much we can do about it. Even if it is clearly not drug related- say someone stubbs their toe and breaks it- that should still be reported.

I just got my Hep A & B vaccines a few weeks ago because I will be traveling to Israel next month and there is a high rate of infection there. Apparently you can get it from other infected people or dirty water. They hurt like a son of a buscuit! Far worse than tetnus and ached for days. I wouldn't wish that on a newborn. I don't see why it couldn't wait until they were a bit older unless they were traveling internationally.
Brandy, thats how I feel about it. its just too much. Audrina wasnt even a day old when she got her Hep B vaccine (i think she was like 12 hours old actually). And then again at 1 month and another at 6 months. I remember how bad she cried and screamed. There was only one time we went for shots that she actually didnt cry.
I guess the thought is that children are much more likely to put dirty things in their mouths, so more likely to contract it? We all made it through childhood without getting stuck a million times, I don't see why some can't wait.

Then again, things like polio or the MMR I really believe should be given on time because the side effects of the disease can be really horrible. Hopefully people can have good informed discussions with their doctors to come up with something that works for them without putting others at risk. Relying on heard immunity doesn't work if too many people do it.
And lest we forget, when you hit 60, you need to get the vaccination for shingles which is caused by the same virus if you got it when you were younger--it will stay in your system in a dormant mode waiting for the "Golden Years" to hit you once again.
My husbands grandfather is 73 and he got shingles when he was 70. My great grandmother got shingles at 82. It's no joke. Shingles is awful. I took care of my great grandmother when she had it. Saddest thing ever
You can get shingles at any age. They are linking the shingles to the chicken pox, but I think that I will research it and see what I find.

As for vaccines causing autism, that is fraud. Vaccines do not cause autism. No one knows what causes autism. Some believe if a parent has it then the child will get it, that it is hereditary, like ADHD is hereditary.

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