I had a dream.....

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Bo B Bunny

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
, Indiana, USA
I had this crazy dream this morning. We had a admin/mod/VIP get together and I got to meet a bunch of you! While Peg, me and 2 or 3 others talked about clothing and hairstyles, we had bunnies escape. One was "my" little girl bunny who.... I don't have. She was a marten I think....

I picked her up and her ears had little black dots all over - apparently she had mites. :rollseyes

There was this pan we got that had a bunch of big mites (like butterfly sized lol) and Rosie and I decided to take it outside and spray it with insect killer.

That's all I remember at the moment, but I know this went on and on...... talk about goofy! :embarrassed:
WOW! You must have a lot on your mind to have so much going on in your subconscious! (I can see where the "mites issue" came from... and I can see where the concern about escaped bunnies would come in... ) Soare yougetting a Marten? LOL!

:zzzzz I think you need to get more rest... :bed:
It all comes from here I know LOL!

No martens for me but I want that little Billy Boy of Bay Poo's.

I was up half the night - I think I might be getting this stomach flu going around. I'll die. I really will. I hate the stomach flu :(
OH NO! Don't get sick! You poor thing. I HATE the stomach flu/virus/upset/etc. Please take care of your self... (Want me to come over and take the buns until you're feeling better? I'll give Bo free run of the house!)
HECK YEAH!! If I saw mites that big...they'd get a good shot of bug spray!! EEK!! :shock:

That's so funny, though. I have dreams of stuff like that all the time...it's so weird to dream about people you haven't even met...LOL!!
That's funny! I've had dreams about the forum too. Don't remember anyof them though.

You can't get sick with the stomach flu-again, you just can't *crosses fingers*:).
Ummm NO CATHY! I think Bo will be fine at home :)

I'm feeling better also thanks :)

and Rosie, we were killin' us some big ole mitesies!

Bo B Bunny wrote:
Ummm NO CATHY! I think Bo will be fine at home :)

I'm feeling better also thanks :)

and Rosie, we were killin' us some big ole mitesies!

OK... well...if you insist... I was just offering to help out. (Glad you're feeling better...)
Bo B Bunny wrote:
and Rosie, we were killin' us some big ole mitesies!

I don't know what's funnier...the fact that you dreamt this, or the fact that I really am killin' me some big ol' mitesies over here! LOL!!!
I think its funny that Rosie and I both have had problems with mites in the last few days and Pennie dreams about it.

What if we'd have problems with cockroaches...or giant rats?


Peg, that's exactly why I dreamed it too! and about talking clothing and such.

I just can't believe Rosie killing those giant mites! LOL!

She was really brave protecting her bunnies too! :D