aah cute, i had never seen one before this one arrived on my doorstep,lol! i just wish i had an idea of how old mine is coz i have no idea- he could be 8 years old for all i know. He is very tame andsettled in like he had never moved home. i thought it was kind of oddcoz if he was just gonna be abandoned or used for meat, how come he wasso well looked after previously?!? :?Oh well, i love him, lol.wow ive only just got my min dwaf lop rabbittoo!!lol how wierd and its for my birthday prezzie she looks reallylike your one!!my is only 7 weeks old shes such a cutie!!
I didnt know they existed either lol! i will keep an eye on her for acouple of days then in the hope she gets better soon. It is quitetypical that she does it in a holiday lmao! At least shes eating anddrinking properly now! I will let u no how she goes.A harlequin lop!! How weird! I didn't know they existed, butis he ever cute! Looks like he's settling right in.
If Roxy's got a sprain, she should limp for about 2-4 days. I wouldn'tgo with the cortisone shots, as they aren't real useful and I think theneedle/vet trauma issue outweighs a very temporary pain relief. Just myexperience anyway--I have only dealt with one sprain (she fell off herbox, the big klutz!).
Hope that improves soon. Seems they always get injured on off-days for the vets!
Good luck, and congrats on the new one!
Lol, he's soo sweet yet i'd never seen one before! What rabbit/s do you have?
And where do you get all those little animated pics from, i keep seeing them! But i dont know how to get one!
Thanks MyBunnyBoys, Our computer is bad enough, i dont think i willrisk getting any more problems then. I will stick to thesetoo!Those smileys are from Smiley Central. It's a downloadableprogram but be warned, it can and has created problems on some people'scomputers. I used to have it but I can't anymore because it causesmajor problems with my computer. It's also seen as spyware.
Thats such a co-incidence!!!Hirather late answer, but yes my Flopsy who looks just like your newlittle darling (except for her ears which only lop in hotweather)is called Flopsy too.
I hope Roxy's better soon
And now i have some pictures of him! But still no name :?! Heres one of him on the bed!
hi! I have a 4 1/2 month old standard rex named Cosmo....Lol, he's soo sweet yet i'd never seen one before! What rabbit/s do you have?
And where do you get all those little animated pics from, i keep seeing them! But i dont know how to get one!