Soory I'm late, but I've been gone for a while, anyway here's my thoughts,
I think that's a great start! It's better to face your problems then turn away, even though it's been REALLY though for you!
Also about the diet, you could pack your own healthy food to eat at lunch, because school food is not all that great. Mabey some salad, a glass of water or milk, some ham of some sort of meat for protein, some cheese, mabey. Try to stay away from lots of sugar and salt. But you know you could try this way to, do you go out for any sport? If you do, frankly then you really shouldn't worry all that much. Running around will burn of lots of calories and it gets you into shape. If you don't go out for sports you could start walking. I know it sounds sort of silly, but you could walk around town or in your backyard. It gives you time to think and it's fun to be outside! Also did you know that muscel ways more than fat? I don't think you should really worry your self about how other people see you,I mean yeah, it's nice to have people like you, but if the snobby preps are the ones your concerned about they're usally really insecure about them selves, actuall that's why people pick on each other because when people laugh at their mean jokes it makes them feel good, they're teasing people just to boost their self asteem.
Anyway I hope you're okay, we're all here for you!
p.s any update?