It's not that there's a problem with breedingmixed rabbits, but as gsara put it, there's not a real demand for them.It does sound like you have things figured out, but since you haven'tbred her yet there are still a few things you need to consider:
Risk: kits could be stillborn, momma may retain kits, or theremay be other delivery complications. Not saying it will happen, but itcould happen. It's heartbreaking more than anything and the possibilityof loss is something you'll have to accept.
Money: if there are complications, you may need to bring mommaand/or kits to the vet. Again, not that it
will happen, just beprepared for the possibility.
Responsibility: the big one

It's something every goodbreeder takes on. You're choosing to bring these kits into the world soyou need to ensure that you can do what is best for them. You said youhave homes lined up already, that's great! I found myself with a litterof kittens (rescue) and ended up keeping two because I couldn't findhomes for them. That's a lot of responsibility...
Also, you'll have to ensure that they're
good homes. Do theyknow about proper rabbit care? Housing? Nutrition? Socialization? Willthe be kept as pets? Spayed/Neutered? When you pass them off to newowners, they are still your responsibility, and you have to ensure thatthey are going to the best possible homes. It's easy to bring them intothe world, it's not so easy to make sure that they have what's best forthem for the rest of their lives. But that's your responsibility,because you are choosing to do this.
Keep us updated

(pictures would be great!
