Well-Known Member
babydoshia wrote:
The size of 3-4 lbs. at 8 weeks is closer to that of standard fryerweight for commercial breeds that weigh an average of 10 lbs. atmaturity. (they are approaching 5 lbs. by 10-12 weeks).
I don't have a growth chart for the Flemish, but juniors (to be shown)must weigh a minimum of 6 1/2 pounds, so I would expect a 4-5 month oldto weigh at *least* that much. The intermediate class is byage, not weight -- however senior (8+ months)Flemish bucksneed to be a minimum of 13 pounds and does a minimum of 14pounds. This gives you a general idea of the *minimum*weights.
The Flemish are simply massive -- wish I could have seen the look on mydaughter's face when the writer at the judges table told her she'dbeexamining 30 Flemish Giants! It's rather tough tolift and examine that many huge rabbits, especially for those of us whoare shorter and attempting to work on a table that's too high for us --really does a number on my back!
Yes, a smaller rabbit can catch up. It often depends on theparticular lines. Some are known for being smaller boned andnot making senior weight -- a common problem when breeding large sizedrabbits. It's possible that particular doe is simply gettingolder and the quality of offspring is decreasing. A 15 lb.weight for a Flemish doe is not impressive, as she's only a pound overthe *minimum*. Out crossing and breeding to larger bonedFlemish can help to increase overall size. If the bone isn'tthere -- the size won't be there either.Sorry I dont mean to interupt your thread, but I dont feellike making another one.
Pamnock, is it possible for a baby to be slow growing at first and thencatch up to regular size? The lady I am getting my bunny fromsays that right now they are about 3-4 lbs and they are 8 weeksold. She says they are very small compared to previouslitters by that mom. Is that really small for a 8 week old oris it still ok? She said that the mom was a slow grower butis now 15 lbs.
If you know, what weights should a flemish giant weigh at certainages? If you can list both male andfemale that would be nice as to I am not sure of the sex yet.
The size of 3-4 lbs. at 8 weeks is closer to that of standard fryerweight for commercial breeds that weigh an average of 10 lbs. atmaturity. (they are approaching 5 lbs. by 10-12 weeks).
I don't have a growth chart for the Flemish, but juniors (to be shown)must weigh a minimum of 6 1/2 pounds, so I would expect a 4-5 month oldto weigh at *least* that much. The intermediate class is byage, not weight -- however senior (8+ months)Flemish bucksneed to be a minimum of 13 pounds and does a minimum of 14pounds. This gives you a general idea of the *minimum*weights.
The Flemish are simply massive -- wish I could have seen the look on mydaughter's face when the writer at the judges table told her she'dbeexamining 30 Flemish Giants! It's rather tough tolift and examine that many huge rabbits, especially for those of us whoare shorter and attempting to work on a table that's too high for us --really does a number on my back!