I getting a rabbit with one ear

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mini lop luva

Well-Known Member
May 23, 2005
Reaction score
London, , United Kingdom
Hello i a new meamber on here and i got 1 bunniand a guinea pig and getting another rabbit this week and she has onlyone ear, she a mini lop like my other one does anyone breed mini's herecos i love them lol. ?
She lost her ear as a baby as ear was very softher mum got carried away and chewed it off bless but it was her firstlitter. emm i dont know how to put pictures on how do you help ?


Lyndsy's lop, Tucker, has one ear. You should check out himand his brother on "Buster and Tucker's Pics". They are soadorable.


mini lop luva wrote:
emm i dont know how to put pictures on how do you help ?


You can go to Photobucket.com and sign up(its free :D) then upload your pictures on there. Then take a look atyour photo album and there will be three bars underneath your picture,copy and past the last one in the reply box and click "post" and thereyou have it! Pictures! :)

Hi New Commer! Im Ashley and I havetwo bunnies. Thumper is a Mini-Lop and Fayth is a Holland Lop.There myLittle :angel:well sometimes there little:mad:. Lol. Wellanyways the picture below is of my bunnie faythumpspictuture will be on the next post becasue i dont know how to post morethanonepic yet.

Ashley Thumpers and faynays
Wellhere is Thumper, she might be pregnate but not sure yet but hopefullysoon to find out.:shock:.

Sorry i Havent been on laltly ive been really busy as some of you know.

always ashley
Hello mini lop luva!

My Tucker has the same ear situation! His mum got carriedaway as well... He doesn't even notice the difference though.

I was told by my vet to watch the litter you use, as it could get stuck in the opening.

I would LOVE to see a pic of her!

Here's my Tucker...



Welcome, and here's a picture of Lyndsy's Tucker and Buster. (Tucks is on the left).


They're such good boys! Lyndsy calls them "The Monkeys".

Awwwwwwww how sweet yer her ear just like that itry to put pictures on now i getting here tmoz i will be saying how shegets on thank you. your bunnies are really sweet i luv them. :D

There is actual documentationofrabbits with one ear that would also breed true and producerabbits with one ear --set rightin the middle oftheir head like a unicorn!

According to Bob Whitman's book "Domestic Rabbits & TheirHistories - Breeds of the World". A photo of a pair of oneeared siblings was featured in the 1959 Feb. issue of the NationalRabbit Raiser Magazine. Claude Holbrook of Indiana was thebreeder. (The photo also appears in Bob Whitman's book).

You can purchase this fascinating book (one of my favorites!) and learnmore about rare breeds of rabbits throughout the world by visiting BobWhitman's websitehttp://www.rarebitsandpieces.com/

All the rabbitillustrations from the book are also available in prints (info in the back of the book).



samandshawn wrote:
I don't want to sound funnybutI don't see how two children can breed rabbitssuccessfully? Have you got a parent that breeds and youhelp?

I think that 4-H is largely made up of young adults. I believe that is one of the catageories.

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