I get my ultrasound tonight

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Aw congratulations! :) Another boy eh? :D I have one of each and I do think boys are harder work! lol But as someone said, they do love their mothers :) And for me that makes up for all that noise and mess my son creates.
Awwww thanks everyone, Purplepeacock i am doing great in all this humidity because i have Central Air that has been on for what seems like forever,lol!!!!

HA HA Zin ultrasounds can be so hard to decifer but as soon as she showed us the privates and said what do ytou see i could see it right away!!!!!!!! He was flashing her the whole time she said he wasnt shy,lol!!!!!

Of course when i got home my guys were all acting like little wierdo's,lol, and all i could think was oh my god another boy!!!!!!!!! lol
Congratulations! A Boy! (Well, there is something to be said for consistancy!). As long as you are healthy and feeling well... blessings to you and your husband... (ya know, it's all his fault... you had nuthin to do with selecting the sex... LOL!)
BlueGiants wrote:
Congratulations! A Boy! (Well, there is something to be said for consistancy!). As long as you are healthy and feeling well... blessings to you and your husband... (ya know, it's all his fault... you had nuthin to do with selecting the sex... LOL!)
i had to laugh at the consistency thing,lol. I did blame him ,lol!!!!!!
slavetoabunny wrote:
Well, at least you have a female rabbit in the house! Congratulations on your new son.
ha ha Belle is a female, then my bearded is a femal, and i have two female dogs, and a female cat, but we are still out numbered,lol
OHHH I have something for him!!!!!!!

:biggrin2:They had these adorable blankets clearence. Bought them with no idea for who but now I know!




Burp Cloth


Those are adorable!

Your first post about wanting to have a rabbit was hilarious!! But even though it's not a bunny - congrats!! :)Collecting sets of things sn't always a bad thing :p
Congratulations!! Boys are the best! Wow, lucky Lady, you've got three Momma's boys.
My son is 13 months old and has started giving me kisses (his version of kisses :biggrin2:) on demand. He's just the sweetest man in my life (don't tell my husband, LOL ;))

So if you're twenty weeks, then you're due when...November? My little one is due in December (but I'm hoping for Nov.)
Yes they have my due date as nov 27, but with the ultrasound i dont know if they w ill change it because of measurements and LMP. So anywhere between the 19 th and the 27 th. No one thinks i will last until my due date i had my last son 2 1/2 weeks early so i dont forsee going full term with this one.

Ugh i would be so worried about christmas s hopping and the holiday craziness if i was havi ng a baby in DEC :shock: I am worried aobout having the baby and then jumping right into the holiday shopping and all that ,lol.
My daughter was born December 18th! I had all the Chritmas cards written and addressed but held back sending themand put birth announcements in them to save postage!

I have spent the last 15 years trying to make sure her birthday did not get "mixed up " or "combined" with Christmas. It's not easy.

November is good!
i am now going to impart some knowledge......................................


ok, all done now. my birthday is dec 4 and boy, i love it some times but others(like when mom wants to take the streamers down faster than she does with Em because of x-mas) it stinks! i'd give anything to have a oct or early nov b-day. or late jan or feb. so, i'm pretty much kidding, but not all the way:D.
hehe, i'm done reallynow;)