I found what looks like blood in my bunnys food dish!

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New Member
Aug 17, 2011
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chicago, Illinois, USA
I am concerned about my rabbit Harvey, he is a 6 year old male black and white rabbit. I was about to give him fresh food and on the side and inside his food dish looks like blood....I checked him out and he wont let me open up his mouth, but there is no visible redness around his eyes, nose or mouth. what could it be????
Could he have peed in the bowl? Pee can be a reddish or dark orange colour which may look like look, but it normal. Sometimes rabbits end up peeing in the food dish.
Hes never done that before. so im just nervous. He did have runny poop today too, but i figured that may be from giving his green grapes, so im laying off those for a while.
Is it too late to get a photo? The runny poo might be signalling a problem.

I'd check his vent area to see if he's dribbling pee, check his nails as well. I doubt it's in his mouth but check for unusual swelling.

Is he at all straining to pee? Is he eating normally?

There are some questions in a questionnaire file pinned at the top of the forum, would be helpful to fill out the relevant info, thanks.

sas :clover:
its strange because he seems to be okay, like hes acting normally. i cleaned the poop off of him, so now hes just laying in his cage, eating his food. I did check him out and nothing out of the ordinary. I will continue to monitor him closely for the next few days and post an update.
Unfortunately they never act sick, you always have to watch for these little signs. By the time they're appearing to be in pain and lethargic, it's too late. :(

But catching it early is the key, and hopefully it won't be anything too serious.

sas :clover: