Retired Moderator
Mummybunny- I know what youmean!
I found out last weekend that my mother hasOvarian cancer. Apparently she went to have a Fibroid?removed and they ended up doing a whole hysterectomy instead.She won't find out till next week if they got it all or if it hasspread too far.
I just sat there. What do you sayto something like that? What do you do?
All we can do is wait and be supportive! Cancer of any kindis never good, but if they caught it in time...then the odds aregreatly in your mom's favor!
Hugs for you and your family!:hug2:
All we can do is wait and be supportive! Cancer of any kindis never good, but if they caught it in time...then the odds aregreatly in your mom's favor!
Hugs for you and your family!:hug2: