Well-Known Member
Zin made me find one.
There is one a few exits before my mom. Like 1 0or 2 before her.
Yup we sell them. I was looking today.
Yup we sell them. I was looking today.
eeewwwwhttp://www...you guys are such bad influences...:X
Lookit what I bought the other day, after posting here --
A Schleich Tennessee Walking horse
and a Schleich Tinker stallion
I was walking past Mrs. Tiggywinkles and just had to go in and see what they had.Now all I need to get is a Tinker foal, a couple of goats, some dogs, a Lippizaner stallion, a pinto stallion, a Przewalski's horse (dang, missed seeing a real one at the TO zoo! he wasn't outside), a Halflinger, some accessories, and some wildlife, and sea creatures....:biggrin2:
(Oh, and I found my English spot...he was at my work, sitting under my computer monitor)
And I say we should all write to Schleich and ask them to make more rabbit breeds (an English lop Schleich would be awesome)
JadeIcing, if I sends you my 3 horses and cats, can you send me a real live pony in return? I'll fit him in my house somehow.
So I am going to be concentrating on the Dalmation family next. The Sun Elfs, and the Tinker Stallion, tinkerfoal and the hanoverian Foal.
Alicia, did you get anymore animals?
Nope I hopefully will soon.
No fair! I can not find that one and I have checked 4 stores!
Mine doesn't have as much white on him. He has a rather amused expression on his face.
Am I crazy for imagining that the little plastic animals have facial expressions? They also all have genders, my stallion and the three I got today are all boys and the foal I got a couple weeks ago is a girl.
Yes you can but we already knew that.
Can I call it a collection now that I have five?inkbouce:
Yes you can.