I finally Figured What I Want Collect!

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i collect fans. i got this really cool one in san antonio, it is spanishish. i got one in japan too, actually two of them. i have a chinese looking one that someone my mom knows painted. my sister is getting me one from france also.

those things are way cute
eeewwwwwww...you guys are such bad influences...:X

Lookit what I bought the other day, after posting here --

A Schleich Tennessee Walking horse



and a Schleich Tinker stallion



I was walking past Mrs. Tiggywinkles and just had to go in and see what they had. :p Now all I need to get is a Tinker foal, a couple of goats, some dogs, a Lippizaner stallion, a pinto stallion, a Przewalski's horse (dang, missed seeing a real one at the TO zoo! he wasn't outside), a Halflinger, some accessories, and some wildlife, and sea creatures....:biggrin2:

(Oh, and I found my English spot...he was at my work, sitting under my computer monitor)

And I say we should all write to Schleich and ask them to make more rabbit breeds (an English lop Schleich would be awesome) :D

JadeIcing, if I sends you my 3 horses and cats, can you send me a real live pony in return? I'll fit him in my house somehow.

All I have to say is... hahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha.

Hubby said real horse is not cheap. So no deal.

Bassetluv wrote:
eeewwwwhttp://www...you guys are such bad influences...:X

Lookit what I bought the other day, after posting here --

A Schleich Tennessee Walking horse



and a Schleich Tinker stallion



I was walking past Mrs. Tiggywinkles and just had to go in and see what they had. :p Now all I need to get is a Tinker foal, a couple of goats, some dogs, a Lippizaner stallion, a pinto stallion, a Przewalski's horse (dang, missed seeing a real one at the TO zoo! he wasn't outside), a Halflinger, some accessories, and some wildlife, and sea creatures....:biggrin2:

(Oh, and I found my English spot...he was at my work, sitting under my computer monitor)

And I say we should all write to Schleich and ask them to make more rabbit breeds (an English lop Schleich would be awesome) :D

JadeIcing, if I sends you my 3 horses and cats, can you send me a real live pony in return? I'll fit him in my house somehow.
Those are so cute! I especially love that stallion. I might have to start collecting these, too! They sell them at Fred Meyer, where I work. I keep forgetting to go look at them after I get off work, but several people who have come through my line have bought some. Maybe I could buy one every week as a reward for sticking to my healthy eating plan... Kind of like little kids getting a sticker on the chart for being good :biggrin2:
Schleich models are awesome! My feed store has some and they have like a dressage arena for the horses, trailers, trucks, etc. They're so cool. I love all the animals, especially the rabbits!

I collect rocks. lol.

My camera isn't working right now so no pictures, but I got my first two Schleich animals today! I got two horses. The Pinto Stallion:


and the Lipizzaner Foal:


They're so cute! I was just going to get one this week, but I especially loved these two. My justification is that it isn't a collection with only one :D The stallion is so pretty and the foal just looks so energetic and sweet. My store had a lot of horses, only one dog, and some wild animals, but no rabbits. Next week I'm probably going to get another horse (maybe the Andalusian stallion or Tinker stallion) because for some reason I'm drawn to them the most, even though there were 5 different elephants to pick from and I love elephants and accidentally started to collect other elephant things!

Does anyone know if any of the animals are really rare? I googled the Schleich horses and some of them are so beautiful.
I gots me some more!

Now thing is that I got them because I was in out of the way. Fewpeople are buying me some. Sohubby said I could return them and get differentones if they get any of them.:biggrin2:Whenyou see what I got you will understand.

The WHOLE Dalmation Family






Tinker Foal




Family Shot


Hey Ali, just a note, if ever there are some you like but aren't sure of the paint job, you can take a chance and wait til the year after. They often modify the way they are painted. The lions are an example. I worked with the company and I'd spend hours placing them all according to type, geographical location, etc. I was a maniac with those things. Lol. As for care, make sure you don't forget them in the car or something during winter because they will snap easily, especially at the legs. :)
I love these! My brother collected all the warroir ones and I have tons of animal ones. They are so neat and not to metion high quailty!
JadeIcing wrote:
So I am going to be concentrating on the Dalmation family next. The Sun Elfs, and the Tinker Stallion, tinkerfoal and the hanoverian Foal.

Ok so last time I missed the Hare and the Rabbit. I still need the 13277 Hanoverian Foal. The sun elfs are more of a want but not sure will happen. I also have some that I have to get first to complete certain sets.

These our ones I want to get... 13283 Sheep standing, 13266 Ram, 13284 Lamb lying,14192 Chimpanzee Cub, 14191 Chimpanzee female,16343 German Shepherd Puppy, 16333 German Shepherd, standing, 16375 German Shepherd female, 13603 Lipizzaner Mare, 13293 Lipizzaner Stallion, and 13294 Lipizzaner Foal, 13616 Pinto stallion, 13297 Shetland Pony, 13608 Shetland Foal, and 13278 Falabella.

The ones in bold I need to complete certain ones.:biggrin2:

Alicia, did you get anymore animals? I got three more tonight! I was only going to get one, but they had several new ones and I didn't feel like resisting. I got the baby panda:


Mine has brown eyes though! I'm going to keep my eyes peeled for the blue eyed one too :biggrin2: He's so cute!

I also got the polar bear cub, he is REALLY adorable and has a cute, cheeky expression on his face. This picture doesn't show how cute he is:


And I got the wild rabbit:


Mine doesn't have as much white on him. He has a rather amused expression on his face.

Am I crazy for imagining that the little plastic animals have facial expressions? They also all have genders, my stallion and the three I got today are all boys and the foal I got a couple weeks ago is a girl. Can I call it a collection now that I have five? :pinkbouce:

SnowyShiloh wrote:
Alicia, did you get anymore animals?
Nope I hopefully will soon.
No fair! I can not find that one and I have checked 4 stores!
Mine doesn't have as much white on him. He has a rather amused expression on his face.

Am I crazy for imagining that the little plastic animals have facial expressions? They also all have genders, my stallion and the three I got today are all boys and the foal I got a couple weeks ago is a girl.
Yes you can but we already knew that.
Can I call it a collection now that I have five? :pinkbouce:
Yes you can.

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