I Finally Did It!!!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2005
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*Happy dancing*


I took him into the bathroom, set him on the counter and told him I Meant Business!

I spent a couple minutes just trying to get him to let me get at hisfeet and he had to check out his reflection in the mirror for awhile. Then I put one arm under him and held him up off hisfront two feet so he was standing on his back twoand took hislittle feet in my hands and snipped away with a regular large nailclipper (I personally found thisa million times easier thanthe guillotine clippers).

He was SUCH a good boy!! After he figured out there was no hurting andI wasn't letting him go, he just sat. I think he was alsodistracted by our reflection in the mirror.


Thank you to everyone for the advice on the nail clipping!! Ithink I gained the confidence to keep trying and to be the boss afterreading all your posts!!

Nadia & Cookie

Good deal!! We did mass nail trimmings yesterday too...and the ones I thought would be the worst went the easiest....go figure!
YAY i did it t00! I cut Peppers nails lastnight, with the help of my sister. We didnt cut the back feet becausewe couldnt see the veins in them, and plus they werent as long as thefront ones anyway. But when they get their boosters i willget the vet to do them then. I am so glad we managed to do it withoutany bleeding. Felt so proud lol.
Wow, I was going to make a thread about this. Ireally don't know how I'm going to cut my bunnies. He hates being held.It's going to be hell.
Wow! That's quite an accomplishment. One that I have never achieved! (Last time I had to give up and have the vet do it.)
:) Haha thanks guys. Yet to be seen if it can happen a second time.
Wow,I must be a cold-heartedperson. JJ wiggles and squirms and causes such a scene, but Ijust hold him down and trim, trim, trim. Never even thoughttwice about it.

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