MiniLopHop wrote:
genetics does play a role in metabolism and weight issues (or lack thereof, for those lucky folks who can eat whatever they want) and you should be commended for taking charge of your life and your weight and doing whatever you had to do to live a healthier life. if you were truly taking an easy way out, then why would you be at weight watchers' classes working your butt off like everyone else??
that's such a load of BS! from what I know of gastric bypass, it requires massive lifestyle changes. it's not like liposuction; it takes real commitment.The main argument she had was that because I had gastric bypass I took the easy way out, so nothing I said had any value.
genetics does play a role in metabolism and weight issues (or lack thereof, for those lucky folks who can eat whatever they want) and you should be commended for taking charge of your life and your weight and doing whatever you had to do to live a healthier life. if you were truly taking an easy way out, then why would you be at weight watchers' classes working your butt off like everyone else??