I dont know whats wrong

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New Member
Feb 3, 2012
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Robstown, Texas, USA
earlier today I went and checked on my new bunny rabbit. And I noticed she was dragging her back legs around, Im not sure what happened and I dont have the money to take her to the vet so I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out whats wrong with her. I noticed a little scratch like mark on the back of her neck. Any info will help
Is there a possibility someone dropped her or sat on her? Could an animal have gotten to her? How long have you had her? We need some details here...

Anytime there is paralysis involved, I'm afraid to say a vet visit is needed...
I have only had her for 2 days my grandmother gave her to me she is a californian rabbit, and my uncle does have a puppy who was suppose to be tied up in our garage
So is there a chance the puppy could have gotten to her? If there are marks on her that look like wounds, I would say something happened like that.

Is it just a baby or full grown?
If your rabbit was where your uncle's dog could get to him, I suspect that is what happened. And, as I'm sure you know deep down inside, getting a pet means being able to provide for it, which includes safety precautions to minimize the chance of problems and being able to pay for vet visits when there are problems despite precautions. The rabbit's back may be broken.
She is an adult rabbit, my grandma was suppose to help me with all the expenses since I live with her but she ignores me when I tell her that I need to take the bunny to the vet.
Even if the puppy couldn't get to the rabbit, just the presence of a preditor (dog) can make a rabbit go crazy, particularly one that has not settled in yet. Unfortunately she may have thrashed around the cage so much in an attempt to flee that she hurt herself. Rabbits can kick with their back legs hard enough to break their own backs. Unfortunately it sounds like it may be the case.

Please do not let her suffer. No matter the cause it probably is extremely painful. If nothing else have the kindness to put her down if it is necessary rather than letting her suffer in pain. :pray:
Please do not let her suffer. No matter the cause it probably is extremely painful. If nothing else have the kindness to put her down if it is necessary rather than letting her suffer in pain. :pray:

I agree. In addition, as long as you have to depend on people who are indifferent to animals' suffering, you shouldn't get another pet. I'm sorry, Samantha, but it doesn't sound like the place for another helpless creature to live.:(
I don't want to sound harsh, but I agree with the other posters. Dragging legs is very serious and there's almost nothing that anyone besides a vet can do to help. If you absolutely cannot get her to a vet, I suggest dropping her off at the local shelter and have them take care of her and adopt her into a family that can afford her vet bills.
This isn't something that would be comfortable for any animal to live with. She needs medical care immediately. :(
I must say it won't get better on it's own. My first real incedent with bunny health was alonggg time ago with my bunny Speckles, who at some point ended up with paralyzed back legs. We didn't know if she'd fallen, jumped funny, kicked funny or what had happend. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to take her in to the vet right away, and made the mistake of just watching her hoping she'd do better. She didn't get better, and I ended up having to have her put down. I still now wonder if I'd just taken her in early if something could have been done. And even if nothing could have been, I really regret letting her suffer at all like that.

For now, try to make her comfy, with lots of towels around her, make sure she's able to get to food and water (and is eating and drinking). Otherwise, help syringe her water, and hand feed her. Be sure to keep her area clean, as it isn't good for them to sit in wetness and poop.
That's all I can really say can be done without the help of a vet. Ultimately it won't help get her better but at least keep her comfortable for the time being. So sorry this had to happen to her, especially after only having her 2 days.
I'll keep her in my prayers. :pray:

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