Okay, with much trial and error (on behalf of both Maisie and myself), she and I figured out how to do her syringing with the least amount of stress.
Here's what I did:
I first picked her up (which she didn't struggle with, by the way...she seemed to still like being held...which I found interesting) and held her for a bit, singing "Little Bunny Fu-fu" to her (her fav), and rocking back and forth on my feet a bit. She really enjoyed this, as she really relaxed and was nice and calm while I was doing it (even during the phone ringing, as it started RIGHT when I picked her up once).
After I was sure she was nice and calm, I let her know we were about to start, and put her down gently. I tried the bunny burrito, but she REALLY hated it, and it actually served to panic her a bit, so I wasn't able to do that. (Lol...picky girl!) I would up holding her so that her hind half was laying down (like they do when they're laying their legs sideways, all relaxed), and I had my right hand under her armpits, holding her up a bit. Then I used my left hand to do the syringing.
This technique worked out great for both of us, as she was comfortable like that, and it was relatively easy to hold her that way. She really seemed to prefer it, as she was quite calm and didn't fight much AT ALL taking the meds.
Anyway, thought I'd share, and bring a new idea to the table. Maisie seems to be a bit unique in quite a few things, and this just added to the list.
I love my sweet Maisie...and am SO happy things worked out.