I dont know what to do about an email I received "from" work

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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2007
Reaction score
, Missouri, USA

A lot of the office personell at work got fired for inappropriately using their email, breaking ethics codes, for taking long lunches and for not documenting when they missed work (so they got paid for days they didnt work).

This morning Mom emailed me a forward about Thanksgiving (showing a turkey wearing a bikini) that originated from my employers customer service department... There are about 15 emails from my work (work email address, not for personal use) included in that forward... all from people in the department in which others got fired from 2 weeks ago.

Should I report the email to human resources, delete it.. or what?

I dont have an email address related to work so it wont reflect upon me in any way, but morally am I obligated to do anything?
If it were me, I wouldn't do anything... (unless you really have it in for those guys!) I'm surenow that the company is aware of the situation, they areprobably trackingtheir outgoing e-mails and they will be caught pretty quick.

It's pretty easy to set up a blind tracking program of all out going e-mails.... and knowing that they have a problem in the department, if they didn't do that, they aren't too smart! US law says that if the company owns the computers and the employees are on company time, they own all information, so they are allowed to track it. No such thing as private e-mails in a work environment.

If you turn them in, it may come back and haunt you... if anyone finds out who the "whistle blower" is.... (people can get REAL nasty if they find out who caused them to lose their job...)
I agree with Blue giants i wouldn't say anything either. its not really your problem and peopel could get annoyed if the think you blew the whistle!
I think you guys are right. I had pretty much decided that as well, but went ahead and posted just to see what others think.


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