"I didn't know I was pregnant" t.v. show...

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I saw that before on discovery channel, Aren't the women on it all heavy women, so that's probably why they didn't get any noticeable bumps. Also, some women don't feel their baby kicking at all during their pregnancy. :)
I bet most of them were in denial... I'm sure it crossed their minds, but they didn't want to believe it.. So what's the best thing to do if you don't want to believe it?... Don't go to the doctors & constantly tell yourself you're not pregnant and eventually you will brainwash yourself into believing your not pregnant, and convince yourself you are just really ill when it come close to delivering. That can be my only guess.. I'm sure there are rare cases where one does not know that they are pregnant. There are tons of signs all throughout the whole 9months telling you are pregnant. If you are out there "doing it" even if you are on birth control, it's going to be in the back of your head that there is always a chance of becoming pregnant. I don't know.. that's just my two cents.. lol
Ok so now when it comes to irregular periods.. *waves hands* Sometimes I have it sometimes I don't. Also my mom got pregnant on birth control for bothof us and bled the whole time. Soya. Morning sickness... *waves hands* I have been getting sick every morning since I was 12. Weight gain or loss.... *waves hand* I go up and down ALL the time. Right now I am way down.

Yea I might be one that wouldn't know till way later, the only reason I checked when I had my miscarrige was because I had some weird pains an took a test.Fewdays later I lost it.I don't think I wouldn't know at all but I could see not knowing till later.
Ibet most of them were in denial

That's what I thought was going to happen, but it didn't seem to be that way. A couple of them had been trying to have children, but were told it was impossible. They went off birth control, some were in menopause, so they really thought it was impossible.

One doctor said something about when the placenta is facing anteriorially, it is kind of like a pad, and if the baby move around, it would be a padding and the mom wouldn't feel it?

What do I know, I don't have kids. They all seemed really happy to have the babies once they realized what was happening, didn't seem like anybody was upset by it.

Will's old boss had that happen to her. She would tell the story WITH PRIDE. It was creepy. She's not exactly a "dainty" woman, so it wasn't a complete surprise to me that she didn't know she was preggers until her daughter was about to pop out. She said she lost weight during the pregnancy, never was sick, and had a "very irregular cycle" from ovarian cysts. She was deemed sterile by all her doctors, too! It just never crossed their minds.

Personally, I would wonder what she thought her daughter kicking was. Did she just think it was gas? Or was it that whole live goat that she ate?

*scratches head*
There was one episode where the chic went into the bathroom thinking she had the stomach flu and had her baby in the toilet. I was grossed out/horrified/traumatized all at once. Later in the episode you find out the baby was fine (amazingly) and that she developed perfectly.
My sister first was a birth control baby.

She did not know with fizz tell she was 8 months. She went in for her yearly well women and low and behold.

My sister is not a big women and to be honest they way my birth control makes me feel I would promise I was preggers.

But I am not of course. My sister gave birth to fizz three weeks after she found out.

Fizz was small and there was low fluid but she went home on time and is now 7 and thriving.

If you also look most of these babies are under 5 pounds. Fizz was 4'2
I had 3 kids my first 2 I found out right away. Now my 3rd I went in the ER for really bad cramps and they told me that I was pregnant I was 20 weeks!!! Now I was on birth-control and still breastfeeding my son who at the time I found out was 8mo. When I had my baby she was big 8lb 3oz but I was in labor with her for 2hrs and real only 2 big pushes she was out. I kid around with her and say she just walked out.
I saw an ep where a woman had TWINS at home in the toilet, had no idea she was pregnant. I gaped at the TV for a long time then turned it off. Humanity depresses and confuses me, lol.
While on birth control pills? How can you have your period for 5 months and remain pregnant though?

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