I can't pick up/hold Weston

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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2012
Reaction score
Middleofsomewhere, Arkansas, USA
So Weston is a really good bunny. He's friendly and enjoys interacting with me. I can't pick him up tho without him going crazy! I only pick him up twice a day, to take him out of his pen to play and to put him back. He doesn't bite, but he claws and kicks the crap out of me! Right now I have several cuts and a bruise from him. He only does this when I pick him up. I've tried holding him until he calms down, but I'm worried that he will hurt himself from thrashing around.
How do I make him more comfortable with being picked up?
When we pick buns up it feels like they are getting carried off by a preditor, so the reaction is natural. However, we can get them a bit more comfortable with the sensation. Be sure you are supporting under the chest and under the bottom, try to get him against your chest as quickly as possible, because that feels safer. Once he stops struggling give him a treat so he learns that good things happen when he gets picked up.

As long as you are calm and confident he will learn. I would suggest long sleves until then.