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Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2006
Reaction score
Lake Charles, LA, USA
Hannah gave me kisses!!

I'm so excited I could burst! I was lying on the floor and first shestarted "grooming" my hair, then she licked my forehead, eyelids, andnose. I'm so shocked that she's the first bun to give me kisses sinceshe's the shy one of the 3. She's even demanding to be petted now. Now,whenever I lie down on the floor with her she grooms and kisses me. Shelikes to try to eat my hair, though. LOL


~Heather, Elliott, Hannah, and Cookie
Awww, Jack does the same thing, it's such a wonderful feeling to know your bunny 'loves' you as much as you love her!

Jack licks my eyelids too but he must have thought they were extragrubby one evening (!) and nibbled my eyelid, of course, I yelped andhe's never nibbled again but licks my eyelids even more gently than therest of my face, bless his little cottontail!
Aww...so cute!! I think Flower gave mesome kisses on my hand the other day, but I'm so used to Maisienibbling on my hand, that I got a bit scared that teeth were soon tofollow, so I couldn't keep my hand there. Hehe!She's given me a few kisses on my arm, too. :)She's such a lovey-dovey!

Congrats on the kissy-poos!! :)
Maomaochiu is a KISSER too :D

the other night, he was kissing the back of my neck and my chin, andhis wiskers just tickled me so much that i bursted into laughs, andthat made him kiss MORE! he must have enjoyed to see melaugh, i guess ;)
YAY!!! I'm very happy foryou. Bunny kisses are fantastic. Our boy Simon is asupreme face licker -- it's awsome.

Thanks for sharing!!

I knowwhatcha mean Heather when i got my first bunny kisses from Hannah i wasabsoultley SHOCKED for awhile i thought she didnt like me well boy wasiWRONG she LUVS me..& then again today i layed downto see her after seeing the little baby bunnies i felt so sad i leftedwithout saying bye to herbut i had to go bak & saybye & when i layed down she kissed me on the nose severaltimes..i was tickled to death to know & little bunny like herluvs me so much..=D:bunnyheartI'm still waitin for a kissfrom the Cookie Monster =D:brownbunny
Nibbles seems to like to lick my hands, but ittook quite a while for her to feel comfortable enough with me to dothis. She was a nipper, and now she's a kisser - which is wonderful andvery amazing to me! I think one of the "tricks" here is to spend alot of time on the floor with your bun(s). But every rabbit isdifferent, and they each have their own way of showing friendship andaffection to humans and to each other.

Re. demanding to be groomed/petted, Nibbles does this a lot and ispretty intense about letting me know when it's time to pet her. (She'sgot me well trained, I think! ;))
I was so afraid that out of all 3 bunnies noneof them would ever give me kisses. Elliott and Cookie still haven't.Hannah was the one I least expected them from. The funny thingis......now I so much as lie down on the floor and she's just giving meas many kisses as she can. It really tickles when I lie down and sheputs her paws on my head and sniffs in my ear and licks.

Is there a 12-step program for obsessive/compulsive licking bunnies? LOL


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