Thanks everybody. It does mean a lot to me indeed. Maybe I gave you a wrong impression. I have been aware of the fact that rabbits aren’t like dogs. I actually don’t expect from my bunny to sit on my lap. I just need to feel at least some reward... Tinto can do whatever he wants, I do respect his autonomy and individuality, but sometimes there is not much to look at and to enjoy, when he prefers scratching the window frame etc., especially when it’s at 5 a.m. (I will try to post a video here...) The only thing I want to know whether he isn’t sick or uncomfortable, if he is just hanging out in his way.
Hi, thanks for posting that video. Your rabbit is very nice and he acts as if he was a rabbit, maybe he just likes digging two of my rabbits love it too, I even made a scratch-box for each of them, they love their boxes now! I don't have a video of my own rabbits but here look how it was solved here
Bunny digging rock box
Your problem as I see it that you put yourself in a difficult situation you need your sleep and be ready for your work and all, and Tinto doesn't understand that, because he has no job he's a rabbit he lives on his own routine which you are probably disturbing with your schedule. I think you are doing great trying to understand how to fix it and asking here, on the subject if you want to give up you can give up that's completely no problem with me, you don't have to ruin your career it is also important. Everybody has right to give up. The fact that you are still here indicates that you kinda want to keep him too, I can understand that he's very cool.
I think that you now have him for about 4 months and you maybe had no experience with rabbits before and you had to learn many things and maybe you have more things in your daily to do list maybe you want to stop for a while and revise where are you now, identify your problems and think if you are ready to put some time and focus into solving them or you have other priorities in life and you just want to find somebody who will give Tinto more attention (I don't mean all their time, just creating suitable routine and maybe places/toys/exercises that will help them both to have their own happy lives without disturbing each other).
Maybe he just doesn't understand your rules, maybe you want to rethink them now and make a clear start. I don't know as it was said here if you can close him in the bathroom and give him something to dig maybe he will like it?
Only you can decide what and how if you want to try and make little steps and post photos and videos and we will comment and you just don't take him as a problem he's just a rabbit and you have to accept that.
If you want to rehome him just take some pictures and place an ad on social media locally I am pretty sure you'll get many calls just make sure someone has patience and maybe some experience with rabbits, tell them about your problems, show them this video, it is not bad to be honest, but I understand you can't sleep you need some peace and quiet and stay focused on your job.
Good luck and keep us posted in any case!