Retired Moderator
New2Bunny wrote:
I don't think neutering rats plays a role in odor. I can really only smell my rats when the time is getting near to cleaning their cage, in which I use towels or fleece as bedding, too.
As for aggression, yep! Neutering will calm the hormones and more than likely make your boys big *squishies* too!
ETA: Join this rat forum, www.goosemoose.com , to ask members in your area of Cali where they got their rats spayed/neutered...you may just find a cheaper estimate from a rat savvy vet!
I definitely suggest getting them neutered. My oldest boy is over 2 years old right now. I had him neutered at around 1 year of age, and so far he has been my healthiest rat. I am not sure if the neutering has anything to do with it, but I do know he is very sweet nature'd and a big "squish"...it takes 2 hands just to hold onto him! Since having the baby boys neutered 2 weeks ago, they have definitely mellowed out and are becoming big squishies, too!Hmm...I have two male rats and am interested in getting them neutered. However, I called a vet (I'm in San Diego, CA) and the quote is $250!!! Whew!! Any suggestions? Also, does it make them less odorous? Less aggressive right? My Patches so far had two bites on his back.
I don't think neutering rats plays a role in odor. I can really only smell my rats when the time is getting near to cleaning their cage, in which I use towels or fleece as bedding, too.
As for aggression, yep! Neutering will calm the hormones and more than likely make your boys big *squishies* too!
ETA: Join this rat forum, www.goosemoose.com , to ask members in your area of Cali where they got their rats spayed/neutered...you may just find a cheaper estimate from a rat savvy vet!