Years ago we adopted a cat from a friend who wasmoving over east and was going to have her put down. We didn't knowmuch about the cat, presumed she was sterilized (she was a very thincat)...
After a few months she put on heaps of weight so my mum was all ARUGHshe's pregnant. We took her to a vet and explained the situation and heagreed, yes she was pregnant. So we let her sleep in my old cot,spoiled her rotten. She got as much food as she wanted, good quality ofcourse...
However after the -due- date no kittens...
So we took her back to the vet (saw an older vet this time), who informed us...
1) you cat is FAT
2) she is sterilized
3) hahahahahahahahah
:disgust:I was only 6 at the time and was so dissapointed, I wanted kittens!
What a very stupid vet and a very smart, fat, cat