I am so LIVID.. I wanna kill my daughter.

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GoinBackToCali wrote:
.. and to me, the only thought she puts in us, is what fundage she can get out of us..

Makes me feel used, makes me feel bad for her daddy and his long face... and therefore, makes me want to slap her.

Isn't it interesting, that without realizing it as parents, that we can be as selfish as we accuse our grown children of being.

Our son is 26 and single, and an only child. He was given a choice shortly after graduating high school...either respect "our" home, take part in the responsibilities that were "our home" and obey the rules or find some place else to live. He chose to move out. The only time he ever called after that was when he needed something as well. His father and I both felt totally used and abused. Not being able to support him finacially made it easier for us to say "no" when he got himself into jams caused by being irresponsible. We never stopped wanting to help him; we never wanted him to move out in the first place...but there comes a time in the lives of your children when you have to put your foot down and give them as good as they give you.

Our son told us he wanted to be treated like an adult and with respect. The feeling is mutual. Lines of communication work both ways. Andwe havehad our son express jelousy over the care we give our 4 legged family, as oppossed to being able to spend the money on him. But his father and Iraised him to be independent, and at some point, just like my parents expected of me, we expected our son to be able to support himself.We don't ask for money from him, so why should he continue to think that our money is his?

As a MOTHER it is very hard to distance yourself from your child because they, verbally or by their actions, pull away from you. I know to well that sunken feeling that comes from picking up the telephone only to have him ask for money...but it gets easier to change the subject and try to encourage means of support that are on a more "adult" level...which doesn't always mean handing out the green stuff. And our son is slowly beginning to come around. Most important, so am I.

As a mother, I am as guilty as he is of being selfish.He comes to me with his problems, which is something kids do...and I get ticked off because it feels like he's using me. Then he gets angry because he starts feeling like he can never do anything right in my eyes. It becomes a vicious cycle.I don't think your daughter should be "slapped" for the fact that she was able to make a mature decision about a baby name on her own. As a parent, we should try hard to recognize that as an effort AT LEAST at being the adult we keep telling them to "grow up and be". As hard as it may be for the mother in you to keep trying to bridge a gap that your daughter doesn't seem to want to meet you half way over, if it were me, I wouldn't give up trying. Especially when grandchildren are involved.

I was a divorced young mother who relied on her parents for assistance until my son was 3 years old. I remember all to well how hard it was to "tow the line" living both as a child under my parents roof, and a new, single mother. Its a very hard time for all, but you just take each situation that comes day by day and most important, never give up on them.

Leader of the pack-

I think while you have made some valid points, I think you also totally missed the mark on one. I don't think she needs to be slapped over the name, she needs to be slapped over her behavior in general.

Mistakes happen.. but she also knows what causes them and how to avoid them, I did not think she would be so stupid as to make such life altering mistakes with the same loser twice in less than a years time. He has beaten her, he doesnt support the baby or her, she argues with him about the court ordered child support on a daily basis, so why take the risk to get pregnant again. I myself have yet to ever see a man so svengali-like goodlooking that it made me take leave of my senses and make my drawers go missing.

What's done is done, can't change that. But I am done now as well. I went looking for her 4 times, wasted my gas and ticked her Daddy off. I called and left numerous messages on her cell... yanno the one I pay for, I left notes on her car and his. She can't even have the common decency to call me back and tell me to go you know what myself.. I am done.. It is NOT my job to chase her down, I am not her keeper.

Like I told her on the last message I will EVER leave that girl.. *when you decide to get over whatever wrong you think has been done to you, open your mouth, speak, and get your head out of your a**, then you know my number. I am tired of coddling you and getting nothing but disrespect in return*

I also told her grandmother that to her face.. so next time it hits the fan, and invariably it will.. there best not be no *Go ask your daddy for the money* or *go see if Carroll-Marie' will ask him for you*

She wants to be like this, fine, but don't come crying to me when it all goes south. I made my effort.. so did her father. There is only so much we can be expected to put up with.
OMG! Not you Zin! I called your daughter selfish and ungrateful! (Please don't EVER think I'dcall you that!) Kids are so ungrateful! And they seem to takeselfish to new levels!

Around here they seem to expect their parents to give them everything. ....."Why can't I have a Lexus... I don't want to drive a Chevy... I need a new cellphone, this one is so last year, I need a laptop so I can update my MYSPACE from my room... I need a new Victoria Secret Bathing suit... evn though it's $125.00.... Need money for gas, need money for insurance, need money for...." There are2 Juniors and3 Seniors in our High School that drive Hummers to School... a $60,000 auto and with gas at $4.25/gal here. But there is also a couple of Lexus, a Mercedes and a slew of Caddy's. What's gonna happen when these kids hit the real world? I guess they do expect Daddy to be there to support them for the rest of their life.

I'm so sorry you thought I was refering to you... never in a million years!
I think you have done all you can...infact! No! scratch that..I think you have done more then you should have. If she wants to act like a little spoiled brat, let her. And if/when she opens here eyes, then you can sit back and think what YOU went through. I would just leave her be, I feel for you though. After all when you stop searching for her or even trying to talk to her, and she dosent even see you and it all comes tumbling down on her then she will realise how selfish she has been.
As for kids being selfish - I completely agree. Some kids do and some kids dont take advantage of it. Unfortunatly, she is one of the ones that does!
Blue Giants-LOL.. not you... Leader of the Pack called me selfish in her first sentence, at least thats the way we all read it here.

I will say.. look at it from my husbands point of view, his baby girl, he has all these hopes and aspirations for, he tries his best with her, and she ends up pregnant AGAIN, and he doesnt even get told properly, with the proper respect, he has to find out by accident, when the baby is almost due, by runnning across her in a store, then she runs from him, and won't even have the common courtesy to return his calls.
GoinBackToCali wrote:
. Leader of the Pack called me selfish in her first sentence, at least thats the way we all read it here.
Excuse me if I am mistaken, but I think what Leader of the pack meant was that, although grown parents can call they're kids selfish, the parents are also sometimes selfish but I kinda read it as if she WAS calling you selfish.
GoinBackToCali wrote:
Blue Giants-LOL.. not you... Leader of the Pack called me selfish in her first sentence, at least thats the way we all read it here.

I'm sorry...To You and all the "we's" that misinterpreted my comment. The situation you are in is very complicated and heart wrenching. I have been inboth your daughters shoes, andyour shoes so I see things from both sides.

"Parents", not just you, can become selfish...in the manner that I assumed you meant the use of the word......when it comes to dealingwith our supposed "grown" children. Sometimesits one deep seededemotionthat reflects in our actions, andbehavior that makes it even MORE difficult for us to see our children as "adults" and stops us fromfeelingso extremely guilty over backing off and letting them make their own mistakes.

I appologiseagain for any misunderstandings and do wish your family well.

Ihave a hard time figuring out kids in general these days. What happened to them, why to they feel so entitled? You would think that I would have raised my girls (13 1/2 and 20) in a similar way that I was raised but the things that they do! OMG my Mom would have knocked my head off. I never talked back to my Mom, we just knew that it was something that you didn't do. I took the big a-- suberban that I was given and drove it to high school back in the 80's and appreciated it ( boy I hated that car, suberbans weren't cool back then). I never complained about it being not good enough, I wouldn't have dared because it would have not been in the driveway the next time I needed it.When I got something different at 17, I made the payments. I worked while I went to school and full time when I wasn't in school and enjoyed being able to buy myself things so that I didn't have to ask my parents.Sometimes I look at my girls and there " where did you come from?"

Anyway I think you have done more than enough, you have let her know that you are there and would like to talk to her. The ball is in her court. Hopefully she will get over herself and come around.

Hey Zin, I can tell you what my Parents told me at 27; I had moved to LA when I was 24 and for the first 3 years I called home quarterly for rent money, bill money - it was ALWAYS an emergency (to me at least - had no clue how to budget)..

Finally one time My Mothers tell me - nope were not sending any more money, but your more than welcome to come home.. They stuck to it and I learned how to budget very quickly. Now that I'm all grown up - looking back I think they made a very smart decision and appreciate the lesson.

Don't take it personally - she sounds like she is acting like a spoiled child of 5, gets into trouble to get attention and/or is equating have another child with that guy will equate to "love".. Perhaps when you daughter comes around you can both sit down for a good heart-to-heart.

Good luck!!!!
I applaud you for letting your daughter find out what real life is.
I have an aunt who still hasen't figured out how to live on her own and she is almost 50. She isn't as bad as your daughter, but she is 50, she should be a grown up by now. However, my grandmother continues to give her money when she "needs" it. Because of this my aunt has never learned how to fend for herself. She is a very smart woman with great people skills, but she has never had to use them. She could easilly be making enough money to live in a nice house and have a nice car, but she would rather take handout from grandmother so she lives in a crappy small house and has a crappy car, but she doesn't have to work for it. I think my grandmother is enabling her to do this stuff.
Now, you would think that as my grandmother is giving her all this money, my aunt would love her, call all the time, and tell everyone how wonderful she is. Wrong. She hates her, and shows her no respect. My grandmother is disabled and my aunt did such a childish thing as to hide her cane from her. While my mother calls every week to check up on my grandmother and make sure she is alright, the only time grandmother gets a call from poor aunt is when she wants something.
It is really sad. And it has caused dissention among the sisters because one is given so much more than the others.

But it isn't entirely my aunts fault. My grandmother is keeping her in bondage by making her dependant on her. My grandmother needs someone to need her so badly that she is ruining my aunts life. Either of them could easilly stop this, but it is a vicious cycle.
I am really glad you have stopped this cycle before it gained momentum. I have seen what it has done and it is not pretty. When your daughted comes and wants actual help (which means taking ADVICE, not just money) then you can give it to her, but until then, I think you are doing the right thing.
I don't have a problem with parents buying their kids cars, but be more realistic with them. Kids do NOT need Mercedies, Hummies, caddies etc. Come on now.

If my parents bought me a Dodge Calibur I'd be so happy with it any color and all.

I saw a video awhile ago. This young teen's parents bought her a beautiful car and decided to surprize her with it. She opens her eyes, the very first thing she said was I don't like the color and she sounded like a bratty b*&*&h. HEr dad was like what color do you want and I will get it for you. Her brother who did the video said I'll take it any color car you name it. He kept telling her be happy at least they got you a car. She went on a rampage. I need to find that. I tried finding it and I can't.

GoinBackToCali wrote:
Chandra told us that she was sick of it, the she was born BEFORE Blake and Christian, SHE should come first, and we need to stop putting out money on those stupid pigs, and cattle and rabbits and start contributing more to her needs... yeah.. I ended up tellin her how the cow ate the cabbage..

I just had a thought about her saying what she did in regards to your other two children. She might have said that because she feels as if she is not important compared to your two Children with her father. You're not her real mother, as much as you might feel you are, she may be insecure because she feels that because you're not her biological mother that you don't love her as much as your two biological children.

As for hiding the pregnancy thing, I have seen one of my best friends try to do that because she feel like she had been screw up her whole life, and don't want to see it in her mothers eyes again.

This friend from high school went through a similar situation when she got pregnant, and she acted horribly to her mother (her father died a few years before). She was acting that way because she was scared and knew that she had screwed up. I wish I could say she straightened up but unfortunately it's gotten worse.

Anyways, that just my ideas from the very little I know of the situation. I hope you work it all out and I hope she straightens her life out.

People are more likely to change for the better if they feel the people who care for them believe they will.
so funny - right now, Montel is on and talking about these kids that are so selfish and unruly.

My kids have so much but can sometimes not see what we give up so they can have this or that.

I worked when I was 12, 13, 14, and 15 as a babysitter........ I had a fulltime, summer job of babysitting when I was 12. I also babysat some nights, and when I couldn't, I contracted the job out for a percent of the profit from the friend I handed it to.... Oh yeah, I was good! LOL!

The DAY I turned 16 I started working at a grocery. When they scheduled me that day and I didn't say anything, didn't complain, just did my job and left..... they paid me double.

I got a car for graduation......... it was as 1971 army green and bondo Ford Maverick.ISTILL love that car! it took a lot of crap from me and all my friends! LOL!

My son's truck is mine right now because I had to have a car and we are trying to pay off some bills before we get into a payment. It's really my truck anyhow, but it will be his todrive daily. The cost ofgas and everything else has been hard on us...... he knows this..... he has to deal with it.

We've also said he needs a job. He's 17 and free for the summer. He's a good student..... excellent really..... and he will not work much during the school year cause he's a senior now....... I want him to concentrate on that... but I want him to have some cash for college..... we aren't handing it to him.

It's hard, it breaks my heart sometimes to say no, or not be able to do everything for them - but in the long run - it's going to hurt them if I do.
Lemmie clarify something. When Chandra was 12 , we attempted to get custody of her. She readily agreed to come live with us, and signed the papers. Her grandmother caught wind of it, and basically brainwashed her.

What was required of her if she lived under our roof? Studies,after schoolactivities, classes going toward college credit.Staying out of trouble,No drinking, no smoking. No premarital sex.In return the rewards would be monitored freedom, such as vehicles, trips abroad (overseas), cell phones, checking accounts with debit cards. Basically the same freedom my oldest son enjoys now. In a few weeks he will be leaving for a 3 weektrip,a week in Florida then on to Italy for some Italian racecarwatching and fishing with Dad and grandpa. He just got his reward for a job well done of no grade less than a 95 for the entire year, which was a Yamaha Grizzly 4 Wheeler.

I really think what was asked of Chandra was not to much, and no more than any one of you would want for your own child. What she elected to do was stay with her grandmother, who's track record of raising children is dubious to say the least, absolutely no supervision,run the roads with the local riff raff, be out till all hours of the night with her child, and I won't even go into the things she thinks I DON'T know about..

Basically, Chandra made her choice, she was offerred the same things the boys were, I felt a bond to Chandra because she was a girl, and I wanted one so badly. Honestly, and I would never say this where my boys could ever catch wind of it, but there was many a time I put Chandra's needs and want's ahead of the boys, even though she was not living with us, and what she wanted was really kinda trivial. In many respects, I think I over compensated for her. I think when she utterred the whole *I was born first* BS.. it was just another plea for attention on her part because I have pretty much ceased being wrapped around her finger.

All of this is just heartbreaking.. because the bottomline is, my big tough husband who goes to work at 5 am and gets off 4pm, came home at 10 am, upset over Chandra, and at 2:52pm, he is still in bed..

Gary Allen song.. *When tough little boys grow up to be dads, they turn into babies again.*

It sure sounds like a heartache....and you have been there for all 3 of your children in the way that they've needed in each of their circumstances. I watched my parents "take it" from my older brother for years, and they kept going back for more....I never understood it, and still don't. While you can love them and support them in all ways possible, sometimes the best way is to let them find out what the world is really like without that safety net that you've given. Chandra has made her choices as an adult, and imho, she has to live with the consequences. No matter what we think of how we've been raised and treated, or what we deserve or didn't deserve, there comes a time when we must take responsibility for who we are and the choices we've made. Sometimes, we have to force our kids into that position, and it truly does hurt us more than it hurts them, but it's the best thing for them in the long run. You've done your best for her, and now I believe it's time for her to take her place in the adult world, just like you have done. I'm so sorry that you've had so very much to deal with, and we'll keep this situation in our prayers....Grace
I'm 25, and I definetly feel I'm part of the selfish, greedy generation. I don't know what really started it, but other people my age really do think their parents owe them everything. People my age are petulent, jealous, greedy types for sure.

I don't have a clue why this has happened. My best friend just turned 26, and he still lives at home. That in itself is ok I guess, but his mother still cooks all his meals, makes his bed, washes his clothes...and he only JUST started paying some board this year. But, he's been working since he was a teenager. I don't get that. And when he talks about his parents, it's in this snotty way, that he thinks they should be doing MORE for him.

In our family, it's actually backwards in that it's my parents who are the childish ones, who can't look after themselves. I swear, the next time that my mum rings me and ask to borrow money for smokes, I'm gonna blow. I'm not even going to get started on my dad, who owes my mum thousands apon thousands $$$ worth of child support from when we were younger. This same dad, who the minute I moved into a place with my partner, suddenly decided he loved me again and just turned up on the doorstep one Christmas and tried to move in! This dad who left us when I was 2, who never turned up on the weekend that he was supposed to have me and my brother, who couldn't understand that when I was 17 that I was focused on school and boyfriends etc and screamed at me that I was a ho with no future :?.

I'm not sure exactly what my point is, but I know how frustrating selfish greedy people are. Especially ones who think that you've only been put on this earth to serve them. Children especially have a hard time I think, because they see you as a parent before they see you as a person. They think your whole focus should be on them.
Chandra pulled another doozy, I just found out about it, and I have tried to post it twice and it's been eaten..

I need to calm down..

Selfish, lying little brat.. thinks of no one but herself..

And no. she did not do this one to me or Rick.. she pulled this one on someone who has little to no money but gives all she can.. Ricks mom.. Connie.
GoinBackToCali wrote:
What was required of her if she lived under our roof? Studies,after schoolactivities, classes going toward college credit.Staying out of trouble,No drinking, no smoking. No premarital sex.In return the rewards would be monitored freedom, such as vehicles, trips abroad (overseas), cell phones, checking accounts with debit cards. Basically the same freedom my oldest son enjoys now. In a few weeks he will be leaving for a 3 weektrip,a week in Florida then on to Italy for some Italian racecarwatching and fishing with Dad and grandpa. He just got his reward for a job well done of no grade less than a 95 for the entire year, which was a Yamaha Grizzly 4 Wheeler.

I don't suppose y'all wanna adopt me???

Seriously- this is horrible...I'd be livid if I was y'all. I feel so bad for Rick - sounds like he's taking this pretty hard (Art would take something like this pretty hard too).

Wish I knew what to say....want me to come help you strangle her???

Oh wait...I'm allergic to jail time!
