I am looking for other rabbit parents in IL!!!

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Nov 7, 2006
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I am looking for other rabbit parentsliving in IL, around the general Chicago area/Suburbs. I host regularrabbit play groups in my home and am looking for anyone in the areathat is interested in attending. Lots to do and eat! Please let me know!

Hi! Thank you as well for the welcome! I look forward to sharing my experience and memories with all here. :jumpforjoy:
Well, I live in Illinois, but I am about three hours from Chicago.
I do have a question, though. Don't you ever have problems with themfighting? Do you set rules like that they have to be fixed orsomething? I think I would be afraid someone would get hurt--orpregnant!
hi, welcome to the board! that sounds like a really good idea to have buns come over and play.

i am in illinois, but i am in souther illinois, a good 5.5 hrs drive from chicago. wish i could go but i cannot.

please let us know how it goes, and maybe i can do the same thing for the rabbit owners around me
Wow! Lots of really good questions! And now toanswer them... LOL... I have hosted several rabbit play groups in thepast and all of them have been successful. We do warn rabbit parentsahead of time that there may be a quarrel between buns, but that we areprepared should one break out. (Gloves, water bottles, etc.) Much likeowners that bring their dogs together for meet-n-greets, these areexpected, although, I have yet to have to break up a fight. We alsokeep in mind that the buns may need to be broken up into 2-3 groupsdepending on their interaction with one another. With regards to therabbits being fixed, yes, we do require that they are, however, if Ihave a rare situation where one of my members has a new bun that hasnot yet been fixed, but all others attending are, then we allow forthem to attend since there is then no chance for pregnancy. Ipersonally do not advocate rabbit breeding, and so, do make certainthat we will not have those issues ahead of time when accepting newmembers. For anyone interested in making it out, our next meeting isNovember 18th from 11-1pm. I am located in Arlington Heights.

I have a cousin in Peoria! LOL! Too bad we don'tlive closer... I would love to have you over for a play group! If youare ever in the area... let me know!
I don't live in Peoria, but I will be there onSunday (the 19th) for a rabbit show! Come on out to the ExpositionGardens, ya'll, and see all the pretty bunnies! :bunnydance:
I dont want to hijack this thread, but since all you Chicago area people are here..I have a favor to ask:

Is anyone interested in adopting a bunny in that area..or could youplease ask around to see if anyone you know is interested? I dont knowhow many of you check the rescue section, but Jrabbit is fostering afemale bunny and really really needs to find her a home asap!

Heres the link if anyone can help:http://rabbitsonline.net/view_topic.php?id=16728&forum_id=7&jump_to=240803#p240803



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