Well-Known Member
Wow! I think I'll have to try that again when we're ready to get another bun. Maybe it's just a Netherland dwarf thing?
Madalynster wrote:This sounds do much like my Desmond!!!.. before I found him his friend Charlie.
Desmond was exactly as you're describing your Bryn, I adopted him when he was 4 months old and I am not sure what happened to him before I got him, but he was a complete S***, haha. I loved him but he was so destructive and aggressive about everything. At first I tried spending more time with him, where I was on the floor and he would play with me, he liked that but as soon as I tried to pet him or anything he would just be a brat.
So I asked my vet, and he said it sounded a lot like Desmond was looking for a friend, that wasn't a cat or myself. So I looked up a local rescue and decided to bring Desmond with me in a carrier to meet bunnies and hopefully find one he liked. I figured he would pick a girl but he got completely attached to a lionhead dwarf male, so I got him.
When I took them home, I had already read a lot about bonding bunnies, so I kept them separate, but in two weeks I found that they were bonded. I was watching tv and went to check on them, and found that Charlie had jumped the baby gate and they were cuddling on the bed. It was so cute and Desmond has made a huge improvement since he has a wittle friend now
Thanks for sharing your bunny bonding experience.   Always great to hear about successful bunny bonding since mine went down hill after puberty.  Give me incentive to try again.   I would love to see them play together.Â
Wow! I think I'll have to try that again when we're ready to get another bun. Maybe it's just a Netherland dwarf thing?
I'll have to see some pics of that bunny bonding cage!!
sounds like your bun is just being reactive; his only other bun died; and now he's alone, sad and becoming cranky. Get him another bun (love the suggestion to take him to an adoption center to see if he likes another).
Just sit with him and read a book; I did this with a crazy shelter bun that was cage aggressive that I have taken in and he now does not bite me (took a good 3 - 4 months), but when he is cranky now, he still "growls" I just look at this behaviour as his only way he knew how to communicate prior and pay it no mind (I do not back off when he growls as I used to do); he will try boxing me when he gets TRULY cranky (putting him in a carrier to the Vet, etc)..
Good luck to you both.