How to pose

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First of all - I hope you know that when I post - it is because I care. I remember when I was starting out and how sometimes people tried to tell me stuff - but I had my own mindset and it took me about a year and a half of breeding (other than the fact I knew to look for type) - to really get in some good stock and make good decisions. During that time - I spent a lot of money and made a lot of bad choices. For example - I brought in way too many bunnies with dreams of doing this color and that color and another color and I had like 15 bucks and 20 does and ... well..let's just say I wound up eventually being overwhelmed.

Now about the lionheads. This is opinion only - based upon what I've heard from folks who were at the lionhead Nationals and heard comments from judges, etc.

It is my impression that Theresa will probably pass presentation this year with her lionheads. Once she passes them this year - while they are not a breed - shows will HAVE to allow the colors she passes as an "exhibition" breed.

Now down here in Texas - they'll let any color on the table - they need the money for the if I had the standard for the lionheads and a color description for a pink lionhead with purple polka dots (and a lionhead that fit it) - I could show it. They don't care - they just want the entry fee.

In other areas of the country - they will only allow the colors she passes in...but they will have to allow those colors.

My point? Lionheads will probably become showable again after the ARBA convention as they have been for a few years. Its just that it will be limited.

Oh - and my personal opinion is that Theresa will get them passed. Her stock is awesome - and she really works for consistency. People have said for about 4 years that she will be the one to get them through - and I agree.

Anyway - enough about lionheads.

Now I'm going to say something to you that my family has to say to me sometimes. Nobody can make you do anything without you ultimately consenting to it. (Sometimes you consent due to danger, etc).

In this cage - I would have an answer prepared for your aunt...something like, "Thank you for the offer of the rabbits but I don't have cages or space right now to add them. I appreciate the thought."

Although you love your aunt - I would try to avoid talking with her about rabbits if she gets you away from your focus.

Find a couple of good breeders who know their stuff - and get help from them. It sounds like Briana is being a big help to her. Tell yourself and your aunt, "I can't make a decision right now until I talk to Briana and she sees the rabbit..." or something like that.

Tell yourself you won't buy another rabbit until you have learned the standard for that breed. Go to a show and ask the breeders to let you put your hands on their for sale rabbits and have them explain the strengths and weaknesses of their animals.

I'm really not trying to be mean. But I hate to see you getting rabbits that aren't show quality or giving in to your aunt when it sounds to me like she's trying to help her friends sell bunnies - or pass off culls onto you. (She may not call them that).

I really do wish you the best. I can see you're trying hard to learn and it is so great that Briana has helped you.
mistyjr wrote:
I have talked to a lion head breeder Weber's Rabbitry about the Lion head's that I have now. She told me that my Lion Head Doe looks like her grand champion doe. But Ariel doesnt have a pedigree. And she produces Harlequin babies. I heard from her that I shouldnt get with the Harlequin breed of Lion Heads.
But I love all lionheads, Mini Rex's, Woolies.
I love the harlequins and my Miss Bea was a gorgeous tort harlequin with awesome markings. She was featured in the lionhead club guidebook as an example of the color.

BUT - harlequins will totally mess up your lines. Unless you want to breed them specifically - you don't want to use anything that carries harlequin in it.

The same thing goes for the vienna marked (sport) rabbits. They're great for a BEW (blue eyed white) program - but shouldn't be used in your regular lines as most breeders will then avoid your stock.
You werent not being mean by any means.. I thank you for any info that you have. I love getting help and anything like that. That is why I come here before I go to my aunt. Me and my aunt arent getting along at the moment but hay, She derveses it.
I may just keep the lionhead, mini rex and wooly and just the one standard rex at the moment and of course Spidy.
Peg has the right idea. :)
And the Usakowski's are one of the best wooly breeders nationally too. ;) They are such nice people and love to help out newbies. I love them!!

I think that woolies are a good first breed. They is a good amount of competition and their are good breeders around. So it's not hard to find good stock. And they are cute as heck. lol

Mini rex are ok...BUT there is so much competition that sometimes its hard to get anywhere with them. Sometimes its hard to get a hold of the good stuff.

I do know a Dutch breeder. He seems to do well, but I don't really know anything about the breed.

Lionheads...another good breed, but not recognized. I know exactly where to get the best lionheads in MI. But again sometimes (as you already know) it can be hard to get the best because they are all over the place. You have to know where to go.

So research! A lot of people get into this thinking that breeding and showing is going to be pretty easy, but its a real challenge.
TinysMom wrote:
mistyjr wrote:
I have talked to a lion head breeder Weber's Rabbitry about the Lion head's that I have now. She told me that my Lion Head Doe looks like her grand champion doe. But Ariel doesnt have a pedigree. And she produces Harlequin babies. I heard from her that I shouldnt get with the Harlequin breed of Lion Heads.
But I love all lionheads, Mini Rex's, Woolies.
I love the harlequins and my Miss Bea was a gorgeous tort harlequin with awesome markings. She was featured in the lionhead club guidebook as an example of the color.

BUT - harlequins will totally mess up your lines. Unless you want to breed them specifically - you don't want to use anything that carries harlequin in it.

The same thing goes for the vienna marked (sport) rabbits. They're great for a BEW (blue eyed white) program - but shouldn't be used in your regular lines as most breeders will then avoid your stock.
Yeah! The Weber's Rabbitry told me about the same thing you are saying. :)

I love the color too myself. But no I should rebreed my lionhead back with the buck to get another haralquin baby. But I aint doing that! I love my baby but he will be better with Braina.. :)
wooly_queen wrote:
Peg has the right idea. :)
And the Usakowski's are one of the best wooly breeders nationally too. ;) They are such nice people and love to help out newbies. I love them!!

I think that woolies are a good first breed. They is a good amount of competition and their are good breeders around. So it's not hard to find good stock. And they are cute as heck. lol

Mini rex are ok...BUT there is so much competition that sometimes its hard to get anywhere with them. Sometimes its hard to get a hold of the good stuff.

I do know a Dutch breeder. He seems to do well, but I don't really know anything about the breed.

Lionheads...another good breed, but not recognized. I know exactly where to get the best lionheads in MI. But again sometimes (as you already know) it can be hard to get the best because they are all over the place. You have to know where to go.

So research! A lot of people get into this thinking that breeding and showing is going to be pretty easy, but its a real challenge.
Yes, It's hard then what I thought.. Exspieally trying to breed these dang doe's that dont want babies! :X:)
I want him so bad! lol I love harlequins. :p I have a REW doe (teddy lionhead)...I was going to use her for her wooly in woolies. But lions sell like hotcakes as pets. lol No matter what color. :p I might not even breed with him...I just think he's cute! hahahaha
I was going to get picture's done but I was starting too but its too hott and the babies were freaking out and panting so I put them back... I will take pictures of them at night or early morning before it gets to hott..
I did a bit more research for posing. I found this for lionheads:

Don't know if you've seen that or not.
It's a bit of reading, but could be helpful in teaching them how to pose and stuff.

I found this about Dutch:

It doesn't really talk about posing, but it talks about their correct markings and color. I thought it would be generally helpful.

From looking and reading, now I am sure that this breed is just a basic pose like I said before. :) Eyes lined up with front feet and hips lined up with back feet.

Like this:

Do you have a printer? I would print out a bunch of this stuff from the sites I posted plus the pictures that me and the others have posted and put it all in a folder. It would be like a little study guide. :) That way it will always be around for you to look at when you need it.
mistyjr wrote:
I have talked to a lion head breeder Weber's Rabbitry about the Lion head's that I have now. She told me that my Lion Head Doe looks like her grand champion doe. But Ariel doesnt have a pedigree. And she produces Harlequin babies. I heard from her that I shouldnt get with the Harlequin breed of Lion Heads.
But I love all lionheads, Mini Rex's, Woolies.
Mary is right about the harlequins. I show lionheads also and I was BOB and BOS at lionhead youth nationals this year. The BOS doe was Weber's Alice bred by Mary and we co-own her (long story). Right now to get the Lionheads passed we need to breed colors on a COD, as it improves those colors to help further them in quality to help get them passed but also to keep the reputation as the breed. There are tons of people who know whats really happening with the breed that support them but them there's those people who just know they haven't passed with the last 2 presenters not why they didn't pass and down right despise them and think they will never pass. While Theresa is in the presentation process in getting them accepted by ARBA all lionhead breeders need to do whatever they can to promote the truth about this amazing little breed.

Now with your doe, she does produce harlequins but she may not be carrying the harlequin gene. Chestnuts genotype must at least be this A_B_C_D_E_ .
The harlequin gene is e(j) which is recessive to the E gene but dominate over e the rescessive non-extension gene. So it may very well be your doe is A_B_C_D_Ee and the buck is A_B_C_D_Ee(j) or she could be the one carrying the harlequin gene. You wont be able to tell without breeding her to a tort or an orange. If you bred her to one and got no harlequins then she is not the harlequin carrier if you did get harlequins then she is the harlequin carrier. I hope that makes sense.

Best of luck with your Lionheads though! Sadly I cant attend the coldwater show due to a double horse show weekend that weekend.

Edit: On posing lionheads on the current working standard (IDK if you have one) there is a description on how to pose lionheads. It also gives you all the COD colors and the judging points and all the DQ's and faults for each color. If you need further help I could make a short video demostrating how to pose them....
Thanks for the info... I dont have to worry about this no more.. I will not no longer be having show bunnies.. I am selling 8 rabbits this weekend hopefully.. And the rabbits that i have at home arent show bunnies but I have one but she haves a litter right now, and she wont be ready by the july show. But I am taking her to get rebred to a real wooly. And getting a doe wooly and hopefully a good lionhead doe that i need for my buck that I have at home...

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