How to pose

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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
, Michigan, USA
I have never known how to pose rabbits. Nobody never taught me how to do so. My aunt got me into these rabbits and showing them. But she keeps telling me to teach my rabbits how to pose. How Am I when nobody never taught me how to do so. RIGHT?:?:faint:
Well, Anyways. It would be nice to get some info my breeds. And I know there are breeders that can help me... I trust ya guys more then I trust my own aunt. "That Im telling the truth"..:big wink:

I have..
1 Standard Rex Doe.
2 Mini Rex Does. (3)
Dutch's (but none are showable) (2)
Lion-Heads Buck, And Doe. (3, +3babies)
1 Jersey Wooly Doe.

I have been talking to Briana about my wooly kinda. I bought Finch my wooly from her. She's been a big help. And Thank You for that! :hug2:

And Thanks to who ever can help! :big kiss::hugsquish::thumbup
I forgot to mention this too:

Line up the front feet with the eyes and the back feet with the hips. :) That way they aren't to streched out or tucked under.
I had some kind of link that I found for the Mini Rex's.. It was called an pencil test.
Yeah, If I can get good pictures of these breeds how they are supposed to be that would be awesome! :thumbup
Isn't it a good one?! lol It gives really good pictures to show how to do it. :) Plus it tells you why the other ways are wrong. So I figured that would be helpful.

Not sure about the Dutch though. I'm guessing to just try the front legs with the eyes, hind legs with the hips thing I said before....??? lol
I have a show coming up in July. Im going to the one here in Coldwater. It's a night show only. *Different*, But All my doe's are bred except my baby Mini Rex Doe and my Baby LionHead Buck. Unless the other doe's did caught.
Well, in July look out for these breeders and ask for short, compact bucks. lol

Furry Treasures Rabbitry
DeAnn and Nicole Bouiler

Thistledown Rabbitry
Anne, Hannah and Iain Mills

Three Little Ladies Rabbitry
Cathie, Jessica, Ashleigh and Taylor Usakowski

Those are the people that I buy from. They're some of the best in Michigan right now. ;) Reasonable prices too. They might be at the coldwater show. There's a chance!
Here's a pic of a Jersey Wooly! (Excuse the molt! ;))


And here's a Lionhead!


wooly_queen wrote:
Three Little Ladies Rabbitry
Cathie, Jessica, Ashleigh and Taylor Usakowski
Based on their website - they seem like very knowledgeable breeders.
First of all - do you want to work with all those breeds while you're starting out...or are these rabbits you have sorta collected here and there and feel like you "should" work with because you have them.

I ask this because as a breeder, I'm personally finding it easier to focus on just two breeds right now (since I am restarting breeding - I used to breed lionheads).

I think that is an important question though to consider - and here are my thoughts on the matter based upon what I would do.

I would work with ONE breed and buy the nicest quality I could afford - focusing the most on getting the best herd buck in my budget range. I would buy a trio. I might even be willing to buy an older proven doe or two as part of my trio so I could start breeding right away (versus a younger rabbit where I'd have to wait).

Once I had my two litters and sold them - I would take that money and invest it in the second breed - buying a trio once again. Same you can afford.

Now you're going to have two breeds and four litters - save the money from that and add in your third breed - or buy better quality animals in one of those first two breeds.

Why do I suggest starting with only ONE breed - especially when you may love so many? Because while you work with that one breed - you can join the specialty club - get their guidebooks (which are usually great) and learn how to pose and how to work with the offspring, etc. I just joined the holland lop national club and for my membership - I got the guidebook (plus four quarterly newsletters). The guidebook is about 200 pages maybe...and it is just full of information - including the standard for my breed - and pictures of past show winners.

Here are links to some of the clubs. Even if you don't join their clubs (which I highly recommend) - you can still see pictures of show winners on their sites and you can study the way the animals are posed.

National Jersey Wooly Specialty Club

National Mini Rex Specialty Club

National Rex Rabbit Club

American Dutch Rabbit Club

You can find more of the various rabbit clubs listed here.

Yeah I know what you mean!... I wanted to get into the Lionheads, Mini Rex's and the wooly only. But I wasnt allowed or I couldnt go to show's. (not my husband). My aunt is the only one that takes me to shows. But I bought a Standard Rex from her from a friend that was selling her. Sue is good at showing, but right now her coat isnt good (molting?), But Sue is the only that I have shown at the moment too. I have 2 dutch's and 2 Mini Rex that I got from My Aunt (Chandra), I have paid for the pedigree's for the Mini Rex's. I have wrote to her on Facebook today. I told her that I need the pedigree's of the Dutch's and the Mini Rex or they are going. Me and My hubby was talking about the bunnies. We dont want to keep the non-showable or the non-breed rabbits. But anyways back to the story.
I told her that I need the rabbit's pedigree's or they are going because for one it nice to know the pedigree, age, ect. And I have breed the dutch and the one mini rex doe. And I need their pedigree for the babies to be able to do their pedigree. I have told her for weeks that I need them. But she makes excuses everytime. Just like shes keep giving me these stupid rabbits that I cant do nothing with. I have bought the Chocolate Mini Rex Buck (Lance), And REW Wooly (Finch) from Braina (wooly_queen), I gotten the Buck for my 2 girls. And The Wooly because I love the breed. But when I was talking to Chandra, She told me that I should get rid of Lance because he isnt showable. He would have if hes nose didnt get bitten off. Braina told me that he throws good babies. But its just hes nose. He's a good bunny.
Chandra just wants me to do the breeds that she is doing. When I was at the show in Feb I have gotten a pair and another buck Lionhead. She didnt like the ideal. Kept telling me stories why I shouldnt get them. One thing, I cant show them, They arent that great.. (blah, blah).
But I'm having problems with the Dutch Doe. I have breed her at least 6 times this year. And she haves not produce and babies. I told Chandra. If she does not give me babies this time. She's going bye bye. The dutch's are just pigs. They eat and they are getting to fat. But I will not get rid of Spider-Man because when he was little guy, He fracture hes leg, And just last month he almost died from chocking on hes pellets. He's a special little guy. He's a blue dutch buck but hes not showable because of hes eye. But Chandra wanted me to get these non showable bunnies because they produce the best showable babies.
I have talked to a lion head breeder Weber's Rabbitry about the Lion head's that I have now. She told me that my Lion Head Doe looks like her grand champion doe. But Ariel doesnt have a pedigree. And she produces Harlequin babies. I heard from her that I shouldnt get with the Harlequin breed of Lion Heads.
But I love all lionheads, Mini Rex's, Woolies.

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