How to handle matted fur

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Hey guys...

So, I noticed tonight that Flower has a matted section of fur on thetop part of her tail (where it meets her back) from when it was justsaturated with fur. What can I do about this? Thelady that checked her out trimmed a TON of fur from her belly and legs,but I guess with all that was there to do, didn't see this particularsection on her tail. I'm afraid to try to get to it with asmall pair of scissors, or some such.

Any ideas?

Is there anything I can do at home about this, or do I have to take herin and have a vet handle it? Would a flea comb handle it?

Thanks, guys! :)
Amber had a problem a few months back with amatt on her butt. We took her to the vet with the expectation that shewould cut it off. But she ended up being able to tease it out with aflea comb. So depending on how bad the matt is, a flea comb might work.Although getting it out could be tricky because most bunnies hate itwhen you get anywhere near their tails.
Yeah, that's what I thought, too.We'll probably just take her in when we take Maisie in to get spayed,and see what they can do about it. We're going to take Maisiein to get spayed in about two weeks. I'm nervous about it,but I'm sure things'll turn out just fine. :)
Pebbles gets huge knots above her tail where herstubborn baby fur is growing out. I usually just cut them off, or ifthey are too close to the skin to get the whle thing, I cut itinhalf then comb it out.

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