That happens. It's ok, you haven't done anything"unforgivable"!
Most bunnies resist getting pulled out ofthe cage, and when they "read" your intentions, the best defense is afar corner. It's nothing personal!
Especially if it's a hard cage to get him out of--some bunnies hategetting grabbed from the top, others don't like getting pulled out of asmallish door. Especially big bunnies, they HATE that momentary feelingof falling.
Also, he might havehad past history that might make him havetrouble adjusting. Do you know if he'd been handled a lot?
My boy Bub loves me, and is just fine when he's out of the cagerunning--but when he sees me reaching to pull him out of the cage, hetakes off. He's just being a stinker and is at a tough age.
A doe I took care of had a major problem that way--she had had verylittle handling and was utterly terrified. It took a lot longer than aweek for her to tolerate even just touching her head. One wrong moveand she'd cower just like your bunny. She eventually came around--mostbuns do.By the time she left she washanging allover me when I opened the cage.
This maybesounds cruel...but it's not. How much are youfeeding him? If he's getting unlimited food, cut him down to 1/2 cup(approx) pellets, depending on breed. A healthy hunger in the morningwhen you feed him is the quickest way to bond. Begging is good!Abig bunny can easily maintain a healthy weight on that much;a little bunny, even less. Only pregnant/nursing does and growingbabies should get unlimited food.
Whatever you do, don't give up! Be around the cage, talk to him, let him get used to your presence. Good luck!