Hey all, I need some help. There's old rabbit diarrhoea and poop stains on my carpet that have been there for years. A brown discolouration. Is there a way to properly clean it off?
My carpet is very short, like a carpet tile texture. My rabbit has been free roaming in my fully carpeted room for the past few years. He's my first bunny. At the beginning, I gave him pellets that weren't a good brand, way too many greens, and he had diarrhoea. I cleaned the poop up as best I could with advice from online, like scraping it, but no idea how to deal with the stain. So kinda just left it (I have a very dark carpet)
These days there's no bunny diarrhoea happening, unless I accidentally mess up his greens schedule, which I did yesterday. Giant brown thing on the carpet I stepped on after I woke up
so yeah, last straw I guess. How do I properly clean my carpet from the stain it leaves behind? I've had enough of avoiding this problem bc I have no idea how to clean it lol
My carpet is very short, like a carpet tile texture. My rabbit has been free roaming in my fully carpeted room for the past few years. He's my first bunny. At the beginning, I gave him pellets that weren't a good brand, way too many greens, and he had diarrhoea. I cleaned the poop up as best I could with advice from online, like scraping it, but no idea how to deal with the stain. So kinda just left it (I have a very dark carpet)
These days there's no bunny diarrhoea happening, unless I accidentally mess up his greens schedule, which I did yesterday. Giant brown thing on the carpet I stepped on after I woke up