How to bathe entire rabbit (Imaverol)

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That makes total sense actually.

If she is being attacked by BOTH fungal AND bacterial infections and her immune system is being torn between both, it would make sense that neither would completely clear up. Particularly since the fungal wasnt being treated previously. Oooh thank you claire - yes I can see that makes perfect sense.
Hey all, Just an update - I FINALLY managed to speak to the vet and unfortunately I will have to completely bathe both bunnies in the imaverol.
The problem seems to be that the localised scabbing/lesions are just a secondary opportunistic baterial infection (which is why the scabbing clears up with Fucithalmic). Th fungal infection seems to be without symptom (other than a very poor immune system) which is why there is no typical signs of fur loss. Unfortunately, this also means that the fungal infection is all over the bunnies' fur which is why they have to be 'dipped' in the antifungal wash (imaverol) and why Thumper also has to be done despite him showing no signs of lesions etc.
I will bathe the bunnies today and give the cage and cement another power wash and Milton scrub. I have checked and I won't have to replace the grass etc in their two side runs.

I will take your advice Claire and follow your method with a washing up tub and see if that works. If anyone has any ideas on calming bunnies down after/during baths I would be greatful :)
Poor you! What good fun for all the family.

I would give them treats after. Keep them inside and keep them warm. Some will tolerate the hair dryer (but from a distance, not on a hot setting), some will tolerate being rubbed dry (kitchen towel works really well for this).

For the immune system, I wonder if Nutrical might be worth a try. It just has all the vitamins and minerals in they need. I've used it in a few not 100% buns and it has really helped. Just wondered if it might help them fight things a bit easier.
Ok that wasnt too traumatic ...
Thumper started struggling when we went to wash him in the sink, so we did a rethink and came up with an A-Team like plan :)
I got an old beer cooler bucket that has a round base, but knee-high sides and put a thick towel over it (with bunny chewed holes in it lol XD ) I propped the tub up slightly on one side so the water would favor the side nearest me and filled the tub with about an inch/ inch and a half of water/imaverol solution (50:1).
I put Thumper in the bottom of the tub and quickly covered it up with the towl (I had my arm in to calm him if he got scared). Because it was dark, he was a lot calmer about the water and with my arm in the tub and the towel still on top I used a small bowl to pour the water over his back and sides then rubbed in the solution. Because the water was pooling toward me it was easier to scoop it up. If he started to come toward where the light was and was looking like he was going to try to jump out, I just took my arm out and put the towel fully over the top (taking the little bowl out too).
For his head I just used my hand to cup water toward his face and forehead and rubbed it in making sure not to get it near his eyes/nose/ ear canal etc which does take a certain skill at peaking underneath a towel and being able to see what you are doing XD. As there was no need to wash this solution off, the tricky part was getting thumper out of the bucket without him jumping!
With honey I did it much the same, except she is a lot smarter so when I put the towel down on the tub, she just followed my arm up to the lip of the tub and tried to climb out. I just used my hand to hold her down gently until she calmed down and to make sure she didnt hurt herself.

They were so much calmer and less traumatised than the last time I had to bathe them I think this is the way I'm going to do it in the future :) Both are looking grumpy and teeny at the moment - drying in my spare room with old dressing gowns, washing-up bowls full of straw and hay and their big litter tray with sawdust in (which thumper is favoring :) ). I got licks from honey earlier whilst I was trying to towel dry her (I got very dirty looks when I attempted to use the hairdryer) so I think Im still loved, although I expect I will get ignored for the next few days (until the next bath!)....
Just thought I'd show you the two little angels causing all the trouble:



Honey (in a grump & without her nose crusties!)

They're cute so it must be worth it.

Any way you could get someone else to take a picture of the bathing process? It'd probably be good to have in the thread for future reference.
Hi again everyone,

As requested here are some photos from The Great Bunny Wash! Luckily this was their last imaverol bath so I can start trying to win them back with treats and presents

Sorry it took me few days to put these up here, but here you go:

First I propped up the tub so the solution would pool toward me, put the towel over half so I could quickly cover when bunny was put inside and measured out the required doses of warm water and Imaverol (1:50 dilution):



I collected a bunny, gave it kisses and cuddles and apologised before putting him/her calmly in the tub and covering with the towel:


I put my arm im under the towel so I could use a small bowl to scoop water onto the rabbit:


You will need to intermittently 'rub' the water onto the coat like u are shampooing because it will not always absorb right through to the skin. When it comes to washing the ears and face in general, you will need to see what you are doing. In Thumpers case I just raised the towel slightly so I could see what I was doing and use both hands, he was good as gold and as long as their wasnt too much light getting into the tub he didnt try to make a break for it or get upset:


Honey is a little more of an escape artist and went straight for the light as soon as she saw it, trying to jump out:


I simply used the towel (beach size) like an old fashioned photographers cloak so it was over my head and back as I leaned into bathe her face.

Once bunny was soaked, I used the covering towel to retrieve the rabbit from the tub and put it upstairs in my pre-prepared drying room (bathroom lol!).


I'd put a couple of washing up bowls of straw, water, hay bowl (with parsley) and a corner litter tray with sawdust (hay n straw aswell).


I used a combination of towels, an old towling dressing gown, paper kitchen towels and toilet roll to dry them.
I put some toilet roll in the tubs with the straw so when they sat on it, it would absorb some of the wetness from their paws and stomach (and changed it fairly often).


The kitchen paper worked the best (thanks flash!) to absorb water and to dry them a little. They prefered this to being dried with a towel aswell.

They're not quite dry yet, but are happy enough in their cosy hay tubs, licking themselves dry:



They're still both grumpy with me, but luckily this is their last one.

So far, I havent used the fucathalmic cream for a week and Honey's crusties havent come back and her girly bits look healthy (crosses fingers!) so perhaps this will be the end of the epic saga lol :pray:

Anyway, I hope that no one else has to know how to completely bathe a bunny, but if they do this is what worked best for me! Now I'm off to beg forgiveness and licks from my two disgruntled babies :biggrin2:
honeybunnylovesthumper wrote:
I'm sorry, but I laughed at this picture. How miffed does poor Thumper look! VERY Disapproving.

How are you doing with doing this?
I know! So many disapproving faces! Thanks for sharing your technique--I hope I'll never have to use it, but it's very good as a reference! Good to hear that Honey is doing better, too!
lol flashy XD

I have to say tho, when i look at these photos of them I keep seeing the caption 'Betrayal!!!!!!!!!' lol.

I think these were their 'you dunked me again! I cant believe u dunked me in yukky water again! The minute I start to trust you....." expressions. :( poor bunnies.

Ah well, at least there are no more baths so I can put 100% effort into winning them over again without annoying them with a bath two seconds later! I will win them over with a new climbing platform and tunnel perhaps :D

They WILL love me again mwah ha ha!

oo forgot to say that before the last bath, honey's coat was already looking so much shinier and softer. Which is also really encouraging.