How old are everyone's Bunnys?

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How old are your rabbits

  • 4-5 years old

  • over 5 years old

  • 1-2 years old

  • 2-3 years old

  • 3-4 years old

  • Under 1 years old

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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
Reaction score
London, UK
Heya everyone.

Just had a curious thought- how old are everyone's bunnys? Send a piccy of that bun and how old they were when you got them and how old they are now. If you know their birthday then post that too!!!!!


Benji is 2 years and just over 7 months old. He was a rescue bunny so I don't know exactly how old he is, but the vets estimated about 6 months when I first got him (which was the 29th of January 2007, so he must have been born around 29th August 2006)

Baby Benji


Benji now




Pippin is just under 2 years old. His birthday is the 5th of April 2007 and I got him when he was 8 weeks old.

Baby Pippin:



Pippin now:





I have one bun got my first bun at 19.

Now 20 And storms gotcha day was jan 7, 2009

They say he is between 2-3 but I think he is younger then that. I think he was a easter bun last year. And after the storm they had they had a reason to get rid of him.

This was the first picture taken of him


About 4 weeks afteradopting him


Anf taken a few days ago



I have 4 buns. 2 I think are 3 or 4, 1 is 5 ish and the oldest is 12ish

I've had Smokies and D.C. since they are 8 weeks old or so. They are now 3 or 4.
This is Smokies and D.C. they are the younger ones.

Smokies as a baby

Smokies and D.C. as little guys

And Smokies and D.C. now

Next is Fluffy he is 5. Had him since he was around 8 to 10 weeks old.
This is the earliest photo I have of him on this computer


And him now

Last is Monsters. We've had her since she was about 2 years old. Monsters is 12.
The earliest photo I have of her

And the newest Photo of Monsters

Hi, i have 6 Beautiful Bunnies.

Buttercup is 10 1/2 years old he's a ND.

Jackie and Wilbur are 5+ they are Mini Lops

Daisy Mae is 3 1/2 she's a Lionhead

Winston I think is over 2, not sure as I got him from someone on RO, he's a Lionhead

Vega I think she's 2+, again I'm not sure as I got her also from someone on RO, she's I think a Mini Lop


Sky- 3 years 5 months
Sandy- 3 years 2 months
The Dopeys- 2 years 9 months
Cloud- 2 years 8 months
Badger- 2 years 5 months
The Dinkies (Angel, Star, Sunny, Lightning, Hope, Dusk, Dawn)- 1 year 9 months

Sky, Cloud and the Dinkies were born here. Sandy was 1 when I got her, and looks very similar now, as she did then. Badger was through adolescence, but still needed to grow a bit, although he looks similar. The Dopeys came at 8 weeks old, and they looked very similar to how Polly's Belle looks now (she's in Polly's BEW thread in the Rabbitry), given that Belle and my Dopeys are cousins of some sort.

Candyfloss- Unknown (middle aged, ish)
Summer- Unknown (old lady)
Tilly- Unknown (young to middle aged)
Roger- Unknown (Youngish bun, around a year)

Those four all came from the RSPCA (and two are fosters), they look very similar now to how they did then, except Candfyloss has ballooned to the size of a small house (and yes, she is on a diet), Tily has less head tilt, Summer has gone from being obese to healthy and Roger has grown a little. Age wise, they don't look any different.
Oh my gosh, Pippin and Benji are SO CUTE! Why did I not know how cute they are? Post more pictures, please! One person shouldn't be able to hoard so much cuteness away.

Rory will be 2 on March 17th. He was a shelter bunny so we don't know exactly how old he is. I got him in the middle of October 2007 and the vet guessed he was 6-8 months old, so I decided his birthday is St. Patrick's Day.

Skyler is 1 year and 2 months old. He was for sure born on December 30, 2007. He flew home to me in late April 2008 when he was almost 4 months old.

Phoebe Mae is 7 1/2 months old. She was born around the end of July or beginning of August 2008. I need to pick a birthday for her! I got her at the end of September, 2008.
SnowyShiloh wrote:
Oh my gosh, Pippin and Benji are SO CUTE! Why did I not know how cute they are? Post more pictures, please! One person shouldn't be able to hoard so much cuteness away.

:biggrin2::blushan:Thanks a lot. I think they are both blushing now. Well they have a blog and I updated that a few days ago but I don't think anybody's seen it. I'm a bit of a fiend for posting pics of my buns here- well I thought I was!!! Lol :) maybe I should be more fiendish! I am MORE THAN happy to post more piccies! :D

God I love it that there's already been votes for the "above 5" section I posted. I just love it because so many people say to me 'Oh rabbits only live for like a year don't they?' and it infuriates me. It also lightens my heart to the thought I could be with my buns for another 5, 6, 8, 10 years. The thought brings a tear of happiness lol!

MrsPBJ storm is just a doll! How velvety his coat looks in the last picture!

Luver of Wabbits and Polar bears
your buns are too cute. I espec love that pic of fluffy on the bed! He looks so intruiged!

Snowyshiloh I wanna see piccies of ur gorgeous buns! (okay that sounds a little odd lol!)


















Morgan is 2 years old. He will turn 3 years old on June 24th. I've had Morgan since he was 6 months old.

Marlin is 1 years old. He will turn 2 years old on April 1st. I've had Marlin since he was 6 weeks old.

Brody is 1 years old. He will turn 2 years old on August 16th. I've had Brody since he was 7 weeks old.

Elf was purchased at a pet store under the guise of being "a dwarf" so we're guessing they really sold her at 4 weeks old.


If I'd been a member of this message board,
I would have KNOWN those ears did not belong to a dwarf!

And here's Elf now, at 6 years old.


We got Bo first, he'll be 5 in May.

Next came Clover, and she'll be 4 next month.

Tony is going to be 2 soon.
Awe! What a neat Elf is just adorable. lol Abby is 1 year old and will turn 2 years in two months.
We have Whiskers, who is 5 1/2, and Pumpkin, who we think is about 8. Both of our bunns are rescue bunnies. We got Whiskers in September of 2004, and Pumpkin became our girl in Feb. of 2005.
OMG! Babyyyyyyyyyyyyy Elf!!!


Mouse and Chalk we got first, at 8 weeks. They are now 1 year and 6months old, and will be 2 at the end of August- 28th I think... :shock:

Barney and Snowy came next, Snowy had just turned 2 when we got her and Barney was 2.5 years. Barney will be 4 29th June, and Snowy was 3 on 11th January.

We got Dotty at 7 months (ish) and she is now 9 months. She will be 1 on May 30th (we made up a birthday for her :))

So that makes Barney our 'old man' at nearly 4 years old...... :nerves1

Jamie is 1 year, 5 months andi got him at 3 months.

here he is as a baby-




and at about 5 months-



i'll post some more current photos after mom uploads if i get time:p:rollseyes
Elf Mommy wrote:
And here's Elf now, at 6 years old.


Awwwww!!! That is so sweet! Definately not a dwarf!!!!! THat's what happened with Pippin- he started off at 8 weeks at being so unbelievably tiny, but now he's just grown and grown! He is bigger than Benji now, and Benji is much fluffier!

Aww Ladybug I remember Jamie- he is just so cute. I just loved the name.
Goobie was about 8 weeks old when I got her from a shelter. She is 3 now.

Sawyer, Max, Woody, and Maddie are all about 3 years old.

Gracie is around two years old.

Smitten is around five years old.
Baby Elf was so adorable and tinyyyy! I hope her brothers and sisters got nice owners who were understanding when their little dwarfies got really big. Jamie was such a sweet baby too, I love that boy. Everyone's bunnies are gorgeous.

Jen, Dotty was born right when Tallulah died. Lulu died on May 29th...
She was the only orange bun in the bunch. I assume her brothers and sisters went to other pet stores. I do hope that they found good owners, though.

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