How often should I get her out?

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Feb 24, 2007
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I dont know how often or how long I should let her out. I let her out probably around 2 or 3 times a week. Is that enough?

We let Lucy out for a few hours everyday. It might be one hour three times a day or it might betwo hours in the morning and two later in the day. It's notalways the same but she loves to be out, she fights it when we have toput her back in unless she has been out for quite a while and is readyfor a nap. I'm sure others for give you their input too, I amjust learning as well. Good Luck!

It's best for rabbits to get out to play everyday. They are strong, active little buggers and need to runand play to stay healthy and happy.

I let my bunny out a good 5 or so hours a day.. Usually when there'ssomeone around, he's out. He's only in his cage at night or when no oneis home.
Ideally she should be getting out for exerciseevery day, especially if she lives in smallish accommodation (I don'tknow what kind of set-up you have). Most books recommend at least 4hours exercise a day in order to keep you bun fit, healthy andinterested in her surroundings.:)
Honestly for mychocolate polish 1 yr old, she hasn't had a cage for 5months. I let her run around the room 24/7, she dosent bite wires,loves the freedom, knows where the food is, totally litter box trainedI love her for it, don't have to change her litter for 2 weeks and ithas never smelled at all in my room. (I rotate the soiled litter around)
And the great thing is I also live in a college dorm with a single room.

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