Well-Known Member
all the time. i never had a bun before that does it as much as thumper does
I had to stop putting boxes into his cage to cause all he does is stand on top of them and then stretch up nearly killing himself,lol.
If I'm stressing him out with nail trims or something, he'll run around and stand up to look around like he's trying to find an escape route ;-)
I always put it down to the fact that Barney and Snowy are generally quite laid back mellow bunnies, who just like to sleep and chill out most of the time, but Mouse and Chalk are cheeky, curious, hyper and just plain crazy, lol. But, I really don't know!
Dotty is somewhere in between. She perisciopes, but not a whole lot. She tends to do it a lot on the bed, which means I have to put my hand behind her because it's a soft surface and she can get carried away and topple over lol.