How much to feed?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2013
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Ok I may have missed this because I was just skimming.

How much Should they eat a day of pellets and veggies? I am still looking for a rabbit and cant get one for about a month but I want to be prepared. My max weight for a rabbit is 5 lbs and I actually hope to get a holland lop if I can.
Unlimited grass type hay.
1/4cup pellets per 5lbs body weight.
Veggies... My 2 share a 2qt dog bowl full of leafy greens daily.
I knew the hay :)

So would 2 cups a day of veggies be ok for a small rabbit?

I really want one 5 lbs or under.
Introduct them slowly in small quantities to watch for tummy upset. (can be introduced at any age despite what the naysayers post)
So 2 cups is fine once you work up to that point. Some rabbits.get none some get tons. Up to you really. But leafy greens over any other type.

This is what my 2 demons got daily when they were brought home at 7.5weeks.
I buy organic baby spring mix for myself and my turtles, I would think that should be fine for a rabbit.

Don't worry I will start slow.

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