How much should i be feeding them?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2005
Reaction score
, Connecticut, USA
i have two bonded bunnies. they are asister/brother pair and are 5 years old. they are dwarf mix bunniesweighing about 4 pounds each. how much pellets should i be feeding themdaily? i buy the 50 pound bag of purina rabbit chow for them and myother bunnies. they also get about a cup of veggies a day. i attached apicture of them if anyone can help me please post.

my rabbits are over 7lbs and only get a fourthcup of pellets a day. so i know its not much. as long as you giveveggies and tons of hay at all times
I'm not sure about the pellets, but I'd saymaybe two cups of vegetables? I've read adults over 1 year should haveatleast a cup of vegetables a day. My 2.4 pound netherland gets a cupof veggies. As long as they have lots of hay thats good :D.
I have two 4 1/2 pound bunnies that livetogether (mother-son pair). Each bunny gets about 1/4 cup of pelletsper day. They share pellets from the same bowl, so 1/4 cup is given inthe morning for them to share, and they get another quarter cup toshare in the afternoon. They do a good job of keeping their pelletintake even. We also give them unlimited hay and water and about 2 cupsof veggies to share every night.

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