How much is that bunnie?

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peapoo came from a petstore and cost $20.00

petey came from a shelter...he was already neutered,litterbox trained, and micro chipped..hewas $35.00
I've been pretty lucky...

I 'bought' Pipp from a couple of panhandlers on a streetcorner. She wasn't for sale, but I made them an offer they didn't refuse, $40 I think.

Radar was a fosterbun from a personI later found out was shutting down her rescue operation.She dropped him off with a big cage, a big dog kennel, a bag of sticks and never came back. My friend/assistant was his caregiver, but by the time the foster period was up,he had alreadygravitated back to me.(Poor guy doesn't have a lot going for him).I never did pay an adoption fee.

Darry and Dill were already spayed and neutered by their previous owner as well when they were rescued.I was getting them on behalf of a shelter, but they never made it that far, so no adoption fees there, either.

Sherry was a fosterbun, came with a huge bag of pellets, already spayed. Now that she's bonded with Dill and he's adopted her (giving me that honor by default), I guess I should pay the $50. (Anybody need their windows washed?)

sas :) and the gang :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
Breed: Juniors Avg. Seniors Avg.

Am. FuzLop 33 62

Angora(Eng.) 50 60

Angora (Gnt.) 90 115

Angora (Satin) 35 75

Brit. Petite 73 73

Californian 1025

Cha. D'Arg. 10 25

Check. Giant 1525

Am. Chinchilla 1025

Stand. Chinch. 15 43

Dutch25 50

Dwarf Hotot 30 58

Eng. Spot 29 48

Eng. Lop 35 87

Flemish 27 70

Flor. White 35 60

French Lop 16 29

Harlequin 15 28

Havana 15 25

Holland Lop 38 51

Hotot 50 50

Jer. Wooly 26 56

Lilac 25 35

Mini Lop 19 41

Mini Rex 22 32

Mini Satin 30 80

Neth. Dwarf 37 54

New Zea. Black 15 30

New Zea. Red 34 65

New Zea. Wht 25 45

Palomino 3232

Polish 25 40

Rex 23 40

Rhine. 25 40

Sable 23 33

Satin 25 33

Sil. Fox 25 45

Sil. Marten 18 33

Tan41 64

This is a survey taken by Bob Bennet, a well known rabbit breeder and author of Storey's Guide to Raising's conducted annually and has been for about 25 yrs.



I drove 5 hours for Mocha, a netherland dwarf, and paid 35.00 for her

I got Keoki, a dwarf mix, from our local animal shelter he came altered for 63.00 dollars

I got Goku, a holland lop, from a breeder and paid 20.00 I think for him

I am so surprised that our shelter charges so much, compared to everyone here, but at least it went to a good cause:D:D
Our first bunn mini-lop Butters was bought form a petstore for$35. Our two double-mane lionhead girls were origionally listed at the petstoreat $150 each!!!! (but sincePeppy was dying and they had been there for over 6 months,they sold themto usat$90 for the two) It was still outrageous but I knewPeppy was one dead bunny without treatment! And I have never regreted the purchase!!!:DOur two mini-lop boys were adpoted from the Humane Society. Our Humane Society doesn't neuter them, (although in your adoption contract you agree to have them vetted out and neutered soon after adoption), and they charge about $16 dollars.
Most pet store rabbits around here, mainly Neth. Dwarfs and Rexes, go for $30-$40. Harper was a rescue and didn't cost me anything. A friend of mine got Haley from a breeder, but gave her to me, so she didn't cost me a thing either.
Here is a price list taken from the local humane society in my area:

Dogs: $260

Cats: $135

Puppies and Small Dogs: $315

Kittens: $195

They don't have the price for rabbits and other small animals posted, but if I remember correctly, I paid around $80-$90 for Anna after she was spayed. I believe the cost of unaltered rabbits is around $40 or so. Unfortunately I don't find our humane society to always be the best at encouraging people to adopt. Three separate times I attempted to contact them via email, never were my emails answered.I sent them an update on Anna a while ago, with pictures, letting them know how she was doing, ason the adoption papers they 'encourage'the new ownersto keep in touch. Again...not a response from them. There have been times I've called and left a message, only to have my call ignored. When I adopted my dog 9 years ago, I was a volunteer dogwalker for them, and they almost refused the adoption because my son, who was the only other member of my household, had gone away forthe summer. They told me that they didn't want to allow the adoption because their rules askedthat all family members meet the dog ahead of time. This despite the fact that the shelter was so overrun with dogs at the time, they were looking at putting down some of the dogs who were hard to place...and Kaya was one of them. I begged and pleaded with them to let me adopt her, and finally they relented. The same thing happened to my sister with her dog...their rules did not allow certain breeds to be adopted out to families with children younger than 6, and her daughter Emily was 5-1/2. They were refusing to allow my sister to adopt thedog, a sweet little Sheltie mix, because of this. I was with her and (again) begged and pleaded, and they finally okay'd it. And as it turned out, Lassie was absolutely fine with my sister's daughter.

Oh geez...this just turned into a rant on my local HS! Sorry about that. To get back to the topic...I did pay around $80.00 (plus shipping and crate) for Raphael, my English lop (another long story about him). It seemed to be the going price for E-lops at the time. From what I've seen around here, I believe you can get non-show quality rabbits from local breeders for anywhere from $10-$40 or so, and then show quality from around $60 to $100 and up, depending on the breed. Local pet stores sell rabbits around $40-$50 or so, sometimes more. (They tend to be non-show quality purebreds from local breeders.)

The average price at a pet shop is around $30.00 for mini rex, N.D.s, and dutch.
Some specialty breeds like the Lionheads go for $75.00
The supposedly fixed bunnies sell for $120.00
Some times the stores have a sale.... If you buy a cage youget a free bunny.

The Humane Society charges you $25.00 per rabbit and most are not fixed.

A Breeder will sell you a pet quality rabbit for $20.00. For show rabbits, they cost from $60 and up.

Rainbows! :)
Devon and Amber were free from a rabbit rescue three hours away. There was supposed to be a $75 adoption fee for each, but the rescue didn't charge us because neither was altered. Devon was too young and their vet didn't want to spay Amber yet because her arteries were too large at the time (she had just finished nursing Devon and her other two babies). Although free is relative... in the year we've had them, we've spend close to $1000 to include supplies and vet bills:shock:. But hey, they're worth it!
Pet_Bunny wrote:
Some times the stores have a sale.... If you buy a cage youget a free bunny.

Rainbows! :)
That's how I got Chippy. I didn't need the cage so they sold her to me for $19.99.

They had another "get-free-with-a-cage" bunnie at the Pet Goods this past Saturday.

Tootsie was $30 from the shelter....... and they spay/neuter.

I got Kahlua from a girl that does 4H.She wanted to sell some of her rabbits and she sold me Kahlua for$5. She is a purebred Standard Castor Rex and I have herpapers and pedigree.
We just got our 3 mini rex (all 3 are current,pedigreedshow bunnies) from a breeder. The 2 does were $15each and my buck, Elliott, was $20. She gave me a discount on him sinceI came to her rabbitry and picked him up, rather than her having totransport him to a show. We're just keeping them as pets, though, soI'm going tocall our vet to see how much spay/neuter surgerywill cost for all 3 of them.

My two Netherland Dwarfs cost $40 each and camefrom a breeder. My first bunny came from a petstore about 13 years ago and he was $20.
Both of mine were $25 from two differentshelters. Both are altered. Timmy even camemicrochipped. The system of shelters we got him from justraised the price to $50 to cover extra food costs and suchthough.
Rex (from a wonderful little pet store): $35, 8 weeks old, not neutered

Peanut (from the SPCA): $10, 2 years old, not spayed
We rescued Tina & Turbo from SweetBinksin Rhode Island. They cost $110 but both were already fixed. Their cagewas $80 which came with water bottle, feed dish, litter pan, hay trough.
Our dutch were given to my kids for free becausethey came from my Flemish breeder and she knew I was looking for showbunnies for the kids and wanted them to have kids of their own.

My Flemish was 80.00 for me but he'd have been 150.00 for anyoneelse. I don't know how good of an owner I am but the breederhad faith in me being a good bunny mom.