I live in Ottawa, and last spring I adopted arabbit from the Humane Society. I'm trying to remember how much it costme, as I asked to have her spayed at the same time...I believe it wasjust over $100. (probably around $125.00 or so). This was relativelycheap compared to taking her in to my vet's to be done. He charges aminimum $50.00 fee just to walk through his door...then anything afterthat is added on. It would probably cost me well over $200.00 to have arabbit spayed or neutered through my vet (who I have come to realizeisn't quite as rabbit-savvy as he claims).
I've been to the Carling Animal Hospital - one of the vets listed onthe link that Naturestee posted. From my one experience there with mycat (and from hearing of my brother's experiences with them, as helives nearby that clinic and frequents it for his cat), I would saythey are extremely good with animals - and they have a good reputationwith rabbits as well - but they are very pricey. I had to take my catthere last summer as an emergency...I came home from work and his facewas swollen so badly that he couldn't shut his mouth, and they were theonly clinic open that would accept him. After waiting for an incrediblelength of time they saw Fritz, and the vet was very good with him, buthe also suggested I have a plethora of bloodwork done on him, and allsorts of other exams. I had the feeling that Fritz had a majorinfection going on, and asked if they would recommend treating him witha broad spectrum antibiotic first to see if he would respond, and thevet reluctantly said yes...but kept on repeating that I should get thebloodwork and other exams done. However, when I saw the quote on thebloodwork alone, I just about dropped...the quote just for that wasover $600.00! I walked out of there almost 4 hours later with someantibiotics for Fritz, and he had been treated with a sub-cu injectionfor hydration. That, and the 5-minute exam, cost me almost $300.00. Andas it turned out, it was an infection after all...Fritz had been in afight with another cat and had a small nick in his face, which becameinfected.
hehe...none of which really has any bearing on your question...sorryabout that.
I think the info that jordiwes and naturestee gave isgreat. I hope you do manage to find a good vet in your area that willbe able to help you and isn't too pricey...
Good luck in your search!